Fall 2002



New Series Vol. 6 No. 1


Message from the Chair
Minutes ( Old Business / New Business)
Announcements ( L&C web site / Columbia U's School of Lib. Service / Giving to LHRT /
History of the Book in Canada / Davis Article Award)
News ( Seminar XI / Pawley honored / Garrison book / News from New Jersey)
Calls for Papers ( History of Books and Printing Workshop / Outstanding Thesis Award / Texas Libraries History / "Present at the Creation"
Fall 2002 Library History Bibliography

Message from the Chair

Greeting LHRT members:
I begin this missive with the very good news that the date and location of the 11th Library History Seminar (aka LHS XI) has been set and sched-uled for October 27-29, 2005 at the Allerton Park Conference Center of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign . The initial plenary session will be held Thursday evening (Oct. 27), followed by two full days of paper sessions. The conference theme will be "Libraries in Times of Revolution and Social Transformation " (see below for details drawn from the conference proposal). Co-chairs of the planning committee are Christine Jenkins, Associate Professor, and W. Boyd Rayward, Research Professor.
The upcoming 2003 ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵAnnual Conference in Toronto will be a historic occasion for both the organization and for LHRT as a jointly held conference of both the ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵ and the Canadian Library Association. This only the second joint ALA-CLA conference, and long overdue; the first joint ALA-CLA conference was held in Montreal in 1960. Fittingly, our conference program, "U.S. and Canadian Library History: The Same But Different," scheduled for Sunday, June 22nd, is also jointly sponsored by ALA's LHRT and CLA's Library History Interest Group.

Excerpt From Program Proposal: Libraries in Times of Revolution and Social Transformation

The Library as a cultural icon is in part a representation of its role as cultural repository--to create, maintain, and preserve a library is to provide a safe haven for the classics, the canon of what is good and changeless in human society. As such, pairing it with Revolution and Transformation, with Turbulence and Conflict, seems an odd and almost accidental juxtaposition of entities from two different universes.
However, the Library--and librarians--have played a vital role on many fronts: from the public library as a key agency for the Americanization of immigrant populations during the Progressive Era to the library as a representation of subversive thought in the massive book-burning spectacle orchestrated by the Nazi Party in Germany in 1933. At the same time, libraries were also regarded in Germany as agencies that could be directed to support National Socialism and the Nazi regime. Similarly, massive book donation drives on behalf of U.S. soldiers were part of a large-scale civilian campaign to demonstrate support of the U.S. role in World War I, while anti-German sentiment was expressed in some communities through the removal of works by German authors from library collections. Lenin and his wife Krupskaia regarded libraries and recommendatory reading as powerful tools of the ideological transformations necessary for the Russian Resolution.

The apparent antimony of libraries representing stability and continuity and revolutions involving rapid and disruptive change suggest interesting historical questions: what has been the fate of these apparently most conservative of social agencies in periods of violent and often transfor-mative social and political upheaval? While over the last several hundred years, many nations' histories have been marked by war and revolution, one might also ask the same question of periods in which, without the extremities of bloodshed and disruption of revolution or war, no less transformative change has occurred. These are periods sometimes described as revolutionary, such as the scientific revolution or the Industrial Revolution. Others, not so described mark the advent of major social change: American Civil Rights Movement, the collapse of communism in the USSR, or the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany.
How have libraries as congeries of collections and services but also as physical and symbolical places appeared to the various protagonists: to the revolutionaries in their efforts to overthrow, reform or replace the existing social and political order and to their opponents whom they see as the forces of reaction and the status quo? During such perilous or precarious times, how have ordinary people--children, professors and students, civil servants, the man and woman in the street, those involved in the trades and professions, for example--fared in their access to and use of li-braries and the literature and other resources libraries contain as they have tried to carry on their personal and professional lives? When, why and how have libraries variously been pillaged and destroyed or appropriated and reorganized to serve the revolution's purposes? What lies behind the looting of libraries and museums in terms of the appropriation of cultural heritage on the one hand and attempts to destroy national identity on the other? How have books and other communications media for the transmission of ideas and the shaping of opinion been used and with what effect as great social and political movements, revolutionary movements, begin to take shape and get underway? Are there stages of resistance and appropriation of the information infrastructure as these movements come to fruition and achieve or fail to achieve or begin to reformulate their goals?

The conference organizers hope that conference papers on aspects of this broad theme will examine the important infrastructural mechanisms by means of which social order has been maintained or disrupted, social change has been furthered or hindered, and revolutions have been both nurtured and subverted.
We hope to attract a number of prominent general as well as library historians to participate in the conference as plenary speakers or in other ways. We very much hope to find ways of encouraging doctoral students to participate both by submitting abstracts and attending the confer-ence.
A call for abstracts will go out in Fall 2004.

Finally, among the publishing events that will be noted and celebrated at the 2003 ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵMidwinter Meeting is the appearance of the second supplement to the Dictionary of American Library Biography , edited by Donald G. Davis and published by Libraries Unlimited. According to the publisher's press release, this volume includes entries for "77 notable deceased members of the library and archival communities, primarily those who died between 1987 and the end of 2000, though 13 entries provide sketches for notable persons whose death dates are somewhat earlier and who were not included in earlier works. Among the entries are a number of African Americans, and nearly one-half of the entries are women."
I had hoped that I could also include an invitation to LHRT members to the reception that Libraries Unlimited will be having to celebrate this event at Midwinter, but the Libraries Unlimited employee I have been corresponding with has not decided whether or not they can open it up to all LHRT members via the newsletter or if they want to send personal invitations to LHRT members, so (if the news isn't already included in the LHRT Newsletter) this is all we can include at this time.

I have been corresponding with Mary Jo Lynch re the website and it looks like the final arrangements are just about completed. I will let you know as soon as I know.

Christine Jenkins

Library History Round Table
Executive Committee
Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Danube/ Tigris
June 16, 2002 (ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵAnnual)

I. Members Present:
Kathy Bork, Michèle V. Cloonan, Toby Graham, Joyce Jelks, Christine Jenkins, Plummer "Al" Jones, Joy Kingsolver, Mary Jo Lynch (ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵLi-aison), Mary Niles Maack, Cindy Mediavilla, Lorna Peterson, Jean Preer, Louise Robbins, Richard Rubin, Steven Sowards, Andrew Wertheimer.

II. Welcome & Introductions
III. Approval of Minutes
Chair Michèle V. Cloonan opened the meeting at 8:40 a.m. by calling for corrections to the min-utes from the Executive meeting at the ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵMidwinter Conference on 20 January 2001. There were no corrections. Christine Jenkins moved and Steven Sowards seconded a motion that minutes be approved, which passed by unanimous consent.

IV. Old Business
A. LHRT Home Page
Joy Kingsolver reported on the situation concerning the LHRT home page. She explained that the Spertus Institute for Jewish Studies, which has hosted the site since its 1995 inception is no longer able to do so.
ary Jo Lynch and Kathy Bork suggested that this ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵcan probably accommodate it on the ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵserver at no cost to the LHRT. Kingsolver will work with them to arrange the transfer.
Louise Robbins suggested that if there are any problems, the server at the University of Wisconsin - Madison SLIS might be an alternate location to consider.
Chair Michèle Cloonan asked for consent for her to send a letter of appreciation to the Spertus Institute for Jewish Studies, and another to Kingsolver for operating the page. This move was approved by consent and applause.

B. Research Committee
This is the responsibility of the research committee. The only member present was Charley Seavey, who had nothing to report. Cloonan will check with the chair, Marilyn Martin, regarding progress in selecting a winner for the 2002 award.
There were no official report from the Research Committee chair, but Steven Sowards reported that the Davis Award will go to Carl Ostrowski for his article, "James Alfred Pearce and the question of a National Library in Antebellum America," which appeared in the Spring 2000 Libraries and Culture. Sowards added that they had some very strong entries, and that this was the committee's choice after a tough process.
Jean Preer voiced some concern that this committee was somewhat disadvantaged in that it did not meet in person to make the selection.

C. The Justin Winsor Prize
The Justin Winsor Essay Prize was given to Marek Sroka for his "The Destruction of Jewish Libraries and Archives in Cracow during World War II."

D. The Gleason Award
Mary Jo Lynch noted that there is as yet no committee for the Gleason award, which is tentatively scheduled for 2003. Copies of two books have been received.
Lynch asked if the Research Committee could take this on. In the absence of the chair, Steve Sowards agreed to this assignment and members of the Executive Committee approved by consensus.

E. Library History Seminar XI
Louise Robbins reported that Wayne Wiegand decided to respectfully decline submitting a proposal to host Library History Seminar XI since he will be coordinating two other conferences that year. Robbins added that Madison might take it under consideration if another host was not arranged.
Christine Jenkins reiterated her interest in hosting LHS XI at the University of Illinois, perhaps as an Allerton Institute, which could host over 100 people, but that she had not put together a proposal since she had assumed that Madison would host the seminar. Lorna Peterson offered Buffalo as a potential site, and to use the theme of the centennial of the Niagara Movement. There was no representa-tive from Wayne State University, which had also expressed an interest, so Cloonan decided to request proposals by Midwinter so the decision could be made at that time. Several members requested more information on the seminar from previous years. Lynch said that she had no files on the seminars and sug-gested contacting former hosts. Robbins suggested that the deadline for proposals be one month earlier than Midwinter so that members would have time to consider complete proposals and request feedback on questions.
Mary Niles Maack suggested that this would be an appropriate conference to honor Donald D. Davis, Jr. for his contributions to library history.
It was again agreed that the intuitional host would have the right to select the seminar's theme, although there were comments raised that it should include a more diverse range of scholarly papers than the previous seminar.

F. Auction Committee
In absence a report from the Auction Committee chair, committee member Andrew Wertheimer reported that Committee Chair Lee Shiflett was contacting Canadian contacts to recruit people in Toronto who could assist in locating an appropriate location and people who could help receive books. He also re-ported that Sid Berger had graciously agreed to again be the auctioneer, and reminded LHRT members to please be on the lookout for possible auction material.
The Executive Committee expressed some concerns with the event being in Canada, especially since Mary Jo Lynch shared information that the LHRT has only three Canadian personal members-none in Ontario. Other concerns dealt with Canada's poor postal system, tax issues, tariff issues, and whether items should be auctioned in Canadian or US dollars, and how this could be handled.
Richard Rubin warned that we might have trouble bringing items into Canada for sale.
Lynch volunteered to check with ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵconference services staff about bringing items into Canada for sale, and about getting paid in U.S. dollars
The Executive Committee suggested that Shiflett contact Fred Stielow or Barry Neavill in Detroit or Lynn Haworth as people who might be able to collect books and bring them to Detroit. Cloonan also suggested that an auction announcement be sent to the members of RBMS, and Lynch suggested that we might be able to get the CLA's History SIG's list as well.
Lynch proposed that one alternative fundraising program would be some sort of bookstore-pub crawl.

G. LHRT Lectureship Fund Update
ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵLiaison Mary Jo Lynch reported it took some time, but the ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵEndowments Trustees have approved the LHRT Lectureship Fund. $1,000 will be transferred from LHRT's General Fund, in addition to revenue from LHRT's two auctions, and funds from Wiegand's royalties (which have to be matched before the LHRT can touch the fund's earnings).

H. Report on Philadelphia Library Conference
Mary Niles Maack reported on the library history conference that took place on 11-13 April at the Library Company in Philadelphia that was organized by Kenneth Carpenter (Har-vard, ret), with funding from LC's Center for the Book.
She explained that the keynote was by Nicholson Baker, and that Abigail Van Slyke and Don Davis were moderators, and John Richardson and Christine Pawley both gave papers, but that the others were "Historians" who seemed to focus on library development on the East Coast. She voiced concern that there were no papers dealing with America West of the Rockies, and only one on the Midwest, and none dealing with women or in-corporating feminist research.
Several Executive Committee members voiced complaints about the poor publicity (not all received flyers and for many who received them it was too late to make travel plans). Other complaints were well summarized by one attendee, who asked if it wasn't a group of old boys who got together to talk about library history without library historians. Cloonan mentioned that she wrote Cole expressing the LHRT's and her own displeasure that the conference did not involve many library historians.

V. New Business
A. New Officers Elected
Lynch announced the results of this year's election:
Chair Elect (2002-3) [Chair (2003-4)] - Joy A. Kingsolver
Secretary-Treasurer Elect (2002-3) [Secretary-Treasurer 2004-5] - Plummer "Al" Jones
Member at Large-(2002-4) - Christine A. Pawley

B. Treasurer's Report
See attached Treasurer's Report prepared by Mary Jo Lynch.
Although Fred Stielow requested at the last meeting that the treasurer's report differentiate between the Lectureship fund and our fund balance, Wertheimer announced that he and Lynch hope that this report will suffice with the expanded second footnote.
Just to summarize this, our fund balance as of 30 April was $5,754 minus the $1,000 that will be transferred over to the Lectureship en-dowment, and not counting this year's income and expenses.
He added that since this report was effective as of 30 April, we should remember that there are several expenses we can roughly predict:
$1,000 Lectureship Endowment
$ 250 Winsor Prize ($250 came from
dividends and interest on the Winsor
Endowment after bank fees)
.__ Conference expenses (honorarium + expenses + equipment fees)
.__ Data processing (for mailing labels)
.__ Second newsletter and membership brochure

Wertheimer said, "This will all come to well over $2,000, so although I personally wish we could move additional money from our funds to match the LHRT Lectureship Fund, I second Mary Jo's suggestion that we wait until our next meeting at midwinter to return to the issue of transferring additional funds."
He also reminded Executive Committee members that the LHRT functions on a very small budget, and that we should continue to keep an eye out for possible sources of revenue, including increasing our membership num-bers, as well as monitoring our expenses, such as conference equipment rentals and the like. Wertheimer also reminded LIS faculty to share the LHRT membership brochures with their students, and for LHRT members attend-ing conferences to distribute them at confer-ences. Lynch brought brochures to be distrib-uted at the LHRT program.
Wertheimer also thanked Mary Jo Lynch for all of her help through this and previous years.

Several Executive Committee members asked Lynch about the endowments. Lynch ex-plained that ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵhandles all ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵendowments with the same conditions. Robbins and others voiced concern about the high bank charges and low return that garnered less than $250 to finance the Winsor Award from an endowment of over $10,000.

Cloonan suggested that once the Wiegand donation is matched for the Endowed Lecture Series, we should examine building up our other endowments.
Lorna Peterson suggested that the LHRT should run a small "coupon" requesting donations for the various funds to appear in the newsletter. Secretary/ Treasurer Elect Toby Graham said that he would create one, and work with Lynch to ensure that it in order and would include information on who to send checks to, along with tax deduction informa-tion. In the meantime Lynch encouraged interested members to send checks directly to her and write the desired fund on the subject line.

C. Program at the 2003 Annual Conference
Christine Jenkins explained that she is working with Peter McNally, who chairs the Canadian Library Association's History SIG on a three-hour program on library history in North America. McNally originally proposed splitting the panel in half, but Jenkins is proposing an integrated conference dealing with issues of joint concern.
Executive Committee members suggested Jenkins consider Ann Curry (comparative in-tellectual freedom in Canada and the United States), and Indiana University librarian Elizabeth Hanson (History of the Westmount Public Library). Plummer "Al" Jones also expressed an interest in speaking since he's done work on Canadian library history.
Jenkins added for the record that she was pleased to do a program on a Canada-U.S. theme because of the Toronto conference site, but that she regrets not providing a forum for youth history research, and asked future chairs to keep this in mind.

D. Research Forum at the 2003 Annual Con-ference
Mary Niles Maack (Chair, Research Forum) reported that she will work with Jenkins to re-establish the Research Forum. She decided that the program will host a program on women in librarianship in the 20th Century in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Committee on the Status of Women. She will send a call for papers, and encouraged members to send her papers. Several members suggested that such an event could be co-sponsored by a number of divisions and roundtables within ALA.

E. Program at the 2002 Annual Conference
Later that day, the LHRT's annual conference program will focus on "History, Memory and Preservation," and will explore the role of libraries, archives, and museums in preserving artifacts and experiences surrounding the events of 11 September.
Speakers include Cloonan "on the roles of preservation and memory in creating research resources for historians";
Mark Roosa, Director of Preservation, Library of Congress, on LC's work to preserve artifacts and Internet material concerning 9/11.
Jim Gardner, Associate Director for Curatorial Affairs, National Museum of American History-on the Smithsonian's preservation efforts.
Elisabeth Shields, Research Specialist, Geor-gia Tech, "Learning From Chaos: Special Libraries in the Aftermath of 9/11."

F. Announcements
Cloonan passed on a message from Charley Seavey that he is already planning the third Library Research Seminar, which will be hosted by the University of Missouri in Kansas City in 2004. Library historians are encour-aged to propose panels or individual papers.

Since Fred Stielow was not present, the Executive Committee postponed discussion of his concern regarding ALA's archiving of its Internet information until Midwinter.

SHARP Liaison Mary Niles Maack reported that SHARP will be in Los Angeles in July 2003. She is proposing a Post-SHARP Symposium on Women in Print Culture, to possibly take place at Claremont College. She ex-plained that some of the papers from the conference originally at the University of Wiscon-sin-Madison (but cancelled because of the 9/11 terrorist attacks) would be published in a book by James Danky and Wayne Wiegand, but that there were no plans to reconvene the conference in Madison.

Maack asked for LHRT to make a token donation to the Post-SHARP Symposium. This was seconded by Christine Jenkins and seemed approved by consensus although no vote was taken and no amount was specified.

Cloonan also announced that she will take over the Deanship at Simmons College, and Jean Preer said that she will join the LIS faculty at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

G. Tributes for Donald G. Davis, Jr.
Cloonan read a proposal by John Mark Tucker to present Don Davis with a citation to be presented at Midwinter at a Libraries Unlimited reception honoring the publication of the Second Supplement to the Dictionary of American Library History. The Executive Committee approved by unanimous consent to approve the presentation of a certificate to Davis with the following text by LHRT's Liaison to Libraries and Culture, Mark Tucker:

"With sincere appreciation to Donald G. Davis, Jr., a model of judicious and diligent scholarship, for service to the ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵLibrary History Round Table through editorship of Libraries & Culture for the past quarter century."

Maack asked what would be involved in nominating Davis for Honorary Membership in ALA. Lynch replied that it is a complex process, but could be investigated. Lynch added that Davis was also nominated as an official ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵLiaison to IFLA, which also is a complex process.

H. Adjournment
Cloonan adjourned the meeting at 10:40.

Respectfully submitted by Andrew B. Wertheimer, Secretary/ Treasurer


First Anniversary of Libraries & Culture Web Site

Since the launch of a Web site (Premier Historical Collection of Columbia ) a year ago GSLIS' Libraries & Culture has extended its network of scholarly readers and authors worldwide. Requests for subscription informa-tion and books for review have been received from China, South Africa, India, France, Italy, Brazil, Canada as well as the United States. About twenty new scholars have been ap-proved and added to the list of reviewers. The expansion reflects a growing academic interest in cultural history, visual literacy and book arts that L & C contributors are particularly well poised to investigate.

Readership has been boosted by participation through University of Texas Press in Project Muse. In its Summer 2002 Newsletter, Project Muse announced a doubling in usage for this year. The current list consists of 195 journal titles, with another 23 planned for next year. As a subscriber to Project Muse, the General Libraries provides students with full access to titles in Project Muse.

Primarily a teaching tool, the L & C Web site provides unlimited opportunities for GSLIS stu-dents to expand their skills in digital reformat-ting and preservation, electronic publishing and active Web site management. Planned projects for 2002-2003 include creating digital archives of issues prior to 1990 and the showcasing of preservation posters from the collections of GSLIS' Preservation and Conservation Studies Program.

Columbia University's School of Library Service Preserved

University's School of Library Service Will be Preserved, Rehoused, and Made Globally Accessible.

Columbia University Libraries has embarked on a project to preserve, rehouse, and enhance access to the School of Library Service library collection. Over the next three years, catalog records for the collection's 110,000 volumes will be converted to machine-readable form and made accessible in the Libraries' online catalog, CLIO, as well as through the national biblio-graphic utilities, OCLC and RLIN. The collec-tion will be inventoried and moved to the Re-search Collections and Preservation (ReCAP) Consortium's Shelving Facility, with fragile items receiving preservation treatment.

Giving to LHRT

For more than 50 years, LHRT has promoted collegiality and scholarship among individuals engaged in the study of library history. Making contributions to the Round Table's endowments -the Winsor Prize and LHRT Lectureship funds-is a fitting and enduring way to support the work of LHRT.
The Justin Winsor Prize is a monetary award given annually for outstanding unpublished es-says in the field of library history. It is named in honor of the distinguished 19th century librar-ian, historian, and bibliographer who was also ALA's first president. Winners receive a $500 cash award and an invitation to have their pa-pers considered for publication in Libraries and Culture.
The LHRT Lectureship fund will support an annual public program once the Round Table members match Wayne Weigand's $7,500 gift. In 1995, Dr. Weigand pledged the royalties of his book Irrepressible Reformer to initiate the lectureship project.
To make a contribution, write a check to ALA, and designate the name of the fund that you would like to support on the memo line. Mail your check to: Mary Jo Lynch, LHRT Staff Liai-son, ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵ, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.

History of the Book in Canada Website

The History of the Book in Canada/Histoire du livre et de l'imprimé au Canada project is pleased to announce the launch of its new Web site. The site can be accesssed at its original URL:

Donald G. Davis Article Award
Carl Ostrowski, Assistant Professor of English and a member of the graduate faculty at Middle Tennessee State University, is the recipient of the 2002 Donald G. Davis Article Award for the best article written in English in the field of United States and Canadian library history. The award is given biennially by the ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵ's Library History Roundta-ble. It is named after Donald G. Davis, whose contributions to the field of library history are myriad.
Carl Ostrowski's article, entitled "James Alfred Pearce and the Question of a National Library in Antebellum America," was published in Libraries & Culture, vol. 35, no. 2, Spring 2000. Mr. Ostrowski examines the origins of the de-bate over a national library and the role of Maryland Senator James Alfred Pearce in the resolution of the issue. As one of the judges for the Davis award stated, "Ostrowski describes the intellectual environment of the period and how the question of a national library was tack-led. The article serves as a corrective to the conventional library history wisdom that the idea of a national library simply grew steadily in favor until the Library of Congress emerged full-blown as a wonderful thing to behold. This was not the case as Ostrowski shows so well."
The Davis award is based on quality of scholarship, clarity of style, depth of research, and the ability to place research findings in broad social, cultural, and political context. Carl Ostrowski's article exhibits all these attributes and more. His research breaks new ground and thus ad-vances our knowledge of library history.


Report from the Ad-Hoc Committee on Library History Seminar XI

According to the LHRT's Constitution (Article IV, Section 5), "In years during which the Library History Seminar is held, the Executive Committee shall issue a 'Request for Proposals' (RFP) for the location of the next Library History Seminar. The Executive Committee shall select a site for the next Library History Seminar no later than four years in advance of the scheduled seminar." Since this issue had not been resolved, Chair Christine Jenkins appointed me this summer as Chair of an ad-hoc committee to facilitate the process of selecting a host institution as quickly as possible. Our committee drafted an RFP based on discussions at previous LHRT meetings. I also contacted each of the five parties that had expressed an interest in hosting the seminar. I then sent the RFP to the three sites that remained interested as of that date and asked them to submit a proposal by 1 October. The University of Illinois was the only site to submit a proposal by that date. I then e-mailed a copy of Illinois' proposal to LHRT Executive Board members to obtain their vote. With the exception of one abstention, all votes received by 15 October were in favor of the proposal.

Before concluding this report, I would like to ex-plain to members that I felt that this process should be decided as soon as possible rather than delaying discussion until Midwinter so the hosts would have had time to reserve room and begin to make arrangements. The potential hosts agreed to this timeline, especially after they saw that few slots were available for conference locations for 2005.

I want to thank everyone who expressed interest in hosting the seminar. Several scholars expressed an interest in hosting the seminar in the future, so I encourage you to start thinking about plans for hosting a seminar in 2010.

Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Wertheimer, Committee Chair

Pawley Honored

Christine Pawley, who teaches at the University of Iowa, received the Benjamin F. Shambaugh Award for the book judged to be the most sig-nificant book on Iowa History published in 2001 for her book Reading on the Middle Border: The Culture of Print in Late Nineteenth-Century Osage. Congratulations Christine!

Garrison Book Reissued

The University of Wisconsin Press will be reprinting next year Dee Garrison's Apostles of Culture: The Public Librarian in American Society, 1876-1920 as part of the Print Culture History in Modern America series. It should be published in June 2003.

News from New Jersey Libraries

Dr. Edward Carter, 2nd, librarian of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, died October 1, 2002, at the age of 74. He was especially noted for increasing the library's manuscript and archival collections.

Three casinos have joined Richard Stockton University to renovate the Carnegie public library building in Atlantic City, New Jersey. An addition to the building is planned, as well. When opened next year, the building will house programs to train hospitality industry staff and provide professional development for teachers. The casinos are required by state law to dedicate a portion of their income to redevelopment projects.

Call for Papers

History of Books and Printing Workshop

Applications are now being accepted for the second annual History of Books and Printing Workshop at Texas A&M University. The work-shop is scheduled for May 18-23, 2003. Full details and registration information are available at:
This five-day workshop provides an intensive, hands-on introduction to and survey of the his-tory of books and printing. It is intended for li-brarians, archivists, students, teachers, collectors, private individuals and others who work in areas related to or who have an interest in the subject. The course consists of a unique combination of labs and seminars designed to provide students with practical experience as well as a broad historical survey of the field.

History of Reading Special Interest Group Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation of the Year Award

Guidelines for 2003 Award Year

The History of Reading Special Interest Group announces an open call for submission to its Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation of the Year Award on the history of literacy. A prize of $200 will be awarded to the masters or doctoral student's work that represents the best scholarship on the history of literacy, broadly defined to in-clude the history of authorship, books, instruction, audiences, publishing, spelling, reading, and writing.

The winning thesis or dissertation is announced at the annual meeting of the History of Reading SIG, which coincides with the International Reading Association's annual meeting in early May of each year. In addition to the $200 prize, winners of the award receive a special plaque as well as a three-year membership in the SIG.

Recipients of the award are invited to present a paper based on their thesis/dissertation as part of the next annual meeting of the SIG. The deadline for submitting applications for the 2003 award is January 15, 2003; theses/dissertations must have been completed and approved be-tween January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2002.

More information is available at
Texas Libraries History

Just in time for the centennial year of the Texas Library Association, Eakin Press in Austin has published two reference works dealing with the history of libraries in Texas--A Bibliography and A Chronology of Texas Library History: 1685-2000. Edited by Professor Don Davis, and assisted by GSLIS students Deon Dempsey and Jon Aho, these bound volumes augment and update work begun by deceased GSLIS alumnus Aubrey E. Skinner two decades ago. Consisting of 178 and 214 pages respectively, the complementary works are comprehensive and include thorough indexes that enhance their usefulness for research. They are featured at the 2002 Texas Book Festival and sell for $57.95 as a set with all royalties assigned to GSLIS.

Present at the Creation

An Invitation to Doctoral Students to be "Present at the Creation" of Some Pioneering Research--School and Academic Library History as a Field of Study
In January 2003 Wayne Wiegand will be mov-ing to Florida State University to become F. Wil-liam Summers Professor of Library and Information studies. He has been authorized to offer a doctoral proseminar available nationally in American grade school library history in the Spring semester, 2004. He also notes that he has "been informed that if I can attract enough students to that seminar from enough parts of the country I will also be able to offer a research paper seminar in American grade school library history in the subsequent semester, and then do another proseminar/research seminar two-semester sequence the subsequent two years on American high school library history and American college and university library history." Wiegand says that several scholarly journals have already committed to considering the seminar research papers for publication in special issues, and he hopes that many of the seminar papers will lead to doctoral dissertations (and eventually books) in school and academic library history, areas he considers much in need of quality research.
If you want to be "Present at the Creation", contact:

Wayne A. Wiegand

Before December 20, 2002
School of Library & Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706

After January 1, 2003
School of Information Studies
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Ed Goedeken
Iowa State University
Lee Shiflett
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Technical Advisor
Andy Bock
Iowa State University

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LHRT Fall 2002 Bibliography
