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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title I}% <TotalMTotal %OO= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleMedium48dq:F3ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\` ALL} CONSERVATIONASSESS'GENERAL<DIGIT-CONTRACTk DIGIT-INHOUSE؝DIG PRES!  ;GT d * StartDateEndDate IP Address Email Address First NameLastName Custom DataInstitution NamePrepared by (name):Title:Email address:qFor the purpose of comparing you with your peers, which of the following most closely describes your institution?6Total institutional operating expenditures for FY2015:zDoes your institution outsource conservation treatment and/or protective enclosures for collections to contract vendors? BNumber of items given conservation treatment by a contract vendor:ONumber of custom-fitted protective enclosures constructed by a contract vendor:vDoes your institution track in-house conservation treatments by item format OR by format AND treatment time intervals??Number of items given conservation treatment by in-house staff:LNumber of custom-fitted protective enclosures constructed by in-house staff:Notes
Enter any notes related to the data entered in Section 1: Conservation Treatment.\Number of items given Level I (15 minutes or less) conservation treatment by in-house staff:rNumber of items given Level II (more than 15 minutes, less than 2 hours) conservation treatment by in-house staff:TNumber of items given Level III (2+ hours) conservation treatment by in-house staff::Number of custom-fitted protective enclosures constructed:NOPTIONAL: Number of items surveyed for condition or assessed for conservation:4OPTIONAL: Number of items prepared for digitization:2OPTIONAL: Number of items prepared for exhibition:OPTIONAL: Notes
Enter any notes related to the data entered in Section 2: Conservation Assessment, Digitization Prep, Exhibit Prep.Commercial / Library Binding:Mass Deacidification:UDoes your institution outsource reformatting and/or digitization to contract vendors?RHow many of the following formats were microfilmed by a contract vendor in FY2015?`How many of the following sound recording formats were digitized by a contract vendor in FY2015?]How many of the following moving image formats were digitized by a contract vendor in FY2015?CDoes your institution reformat and/or digitize materials in-house? FHow many of the following formats were microfilmed in-house in FY2015?THow many of the following sound recording formats were digitized in-house in FY2015?QHow many of the following moving image formats were digitized in-house in FY2015?VWhat department administers digital preservation responsibilities at your institution?How many digital files were reformatted from one file format to another for the purpose of preservation? (i.e., Word Perfect to PDF/A, MP3 to WAV)^How many items in the following categories were added to the digital repository during FY2015:Open-Ended Response City/Town:State:ResponseOther (please specify)Books and Bound VolumesUnbound SheetsPhotographic MaterialsMoving Image RecordingsSound Recordings Art Objects!Historic and Ethnographic ObjectsOther.Number of monograph volumes commercially bound+Number of serial volumes commercially bound4Number of bound volumes / pamphlets mass deacidified8Number of linear feet of unbound papers mass deacidifiedbooks / bound volumes other formats_total number of items microfilmed (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format) microfilm(sound recording: analog disc or cylindersound recording: magnetic tapesound recording: othermoving image: filmmoving image: magnetic tapemoving image: other_total number of items reformatted (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)Manalog disc or cylinder (e.g., phonograph cylinder, lacquer disc, vinyl disc)3magnetic tape (e.g., open reel tape, cassette tape)digital tape (e.g., DAT)optical media (e.g., CDs)other (e.g., wire recordings)%film (e.g., 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, 35mm)=magnetic media (e.g., videocassette, U-Matic, Quad videotape)(digital tape (e.g., digital Betacam, DV)optical media (e.g., DVDs)Thepreservation unitHA digital initiatives (or similarly titled) unit within the organization,An IT / Systems unit within the organizationOA collections development / collections management unit within the organizationOA group or committee with representatives of multiple units in the organizationA unit outside the immediate organization but within the institution (for example, an academic library s digital preservation activities are handled by a digital projects team outside the library but within the University)NOther - digital preservation responsibilities report to ____ (please specify):books manuscriptstheses / dissertationsother textual documents still imagesaudiovideo web archivesemails data setsCtotal (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format) College LibraryHanoverNH Barb SagravesHead, Preservation Servicessagraves@dartmouth.eduAcademic library-no (skip to Conservation Treatment: In-House)My institution tracks treatments by item format AND treatment time intervals, e.g., 25 bound books given Level I (less than 15 minutes) treatment; 95 photographic items given Level 3 (more than two hours) treatment.?no (skip to section 4: Reformatting and Digitization: In-house)yes!University of Wisconsin - MadisonMadisonWI Andrea RolichPreservation Librarianandrea.rolich@wisc.eduThis is a difficult section for those of us who gather stats from multiple campus libraries, some of which gather by format alone, some by format/time. Even those who gather by format/time, get confused and enter figures in format-only areas. The skip function and associated re-numbering is a pain. Surely there must be a better way! For this survey, all "format-only" entries were converted to :format/time" -- but is it accurate?Q35--Total represents combination of figures reported by format and not by format, and also represents what was "put into production" in fy15, some of which may have been digitized prior to fy15.Q40--There has been some difficulty in gathering this figure; fy14 figure may have been mis-reported to me as 81000GB instead of 18000, hence the discrepancy between fy 14 and fy15. Q41--Total represents a combination of items tracked by category and not tracked by category. College, Burns Library Chestnut HillMABarbara Adams Hebard Conservatorbarbara.hebard@bc.eduMy institution tracks conservation treatments by item format, e.g., 55 bound volumes; 215 photographic materials, 15 paintings, etc.We use the Internet archive and HathiTrust as repositories for our digitized published material. That content is included in #44 under "books", but it is not included in the total GBmanaged in # of California, DavisDavisCA Karleen Darr!Co-Head, Content Support Serviceskldarr@ucdavis.eduWe do not track by levels. of Pittsburgh PittsburghPA Miranda NixonPreservation Coordinator mln26@pitt.eduLWe do not track by format usually, only by what specific repairs were done. )Some answers I couldn't get responses to. of Illinois LibraryUrbana/ChampaignILMiriam Centeno%Visiting Collections Care Coordinatormcenteno@illinois.eduQ.12. Other - pamphlet stabilization -string tie (w/o board supports or wrapper)-envelope - 496 Q13 Other - microfilm repair- 27 Q.17. Books & Bound Vols- Provided a full condition assessment, pilot conservation and digitization of two volumes, and significant project planning for the Illinois Water Survey s co< llection of historic weather records0Q34. Unbound sheets- maps & card catalogs- 18537 Q.41 Other- 3000000 master files128.151.115.103Sibley Music Library RochesterNY Alice Carliacarli@esm.rochester.eduWe also sewed 2,060 scores, including 2,729 parts, into custom cut and guarded cover sheets before gluing them into commercial pamphlet binders^This year's binding numbers include a backlog done with a one-time extra budget apportionment.nThe only contract work we have done is digital photography of rare materials, usually for exhibition purposes.UOf the 357 volumes digitized, 79 were reprinted on paper from the new digital copies.That total sum is a rough estimate. By next year I will require the use of the metadata that could be used to track by date items added to the digital collections by the several departments involved (Rare Books, Conservation, and Public Services all digitize materials, keeping separate records). The repository is shared by the entire university and its software does not permit search or ranking by date of entry. Forest University Winston-SalemNCChelcie RowellDigital Initiatives Librarianrowellcj@wfu.eduTotal number of items digitized across non-audiovisual formats reflects every digital object associated with an item. For example, for a bound volume, this count includes each preservation master TIFF image, an access copy, and a thumbnail.Our repository software (DSpace) differentiates between items (e.g. an oral history interview) and bitstreams (e.g. WAV audio recording of the interview). The count above represents the number of items (as opposed to bitstreams) as understood by our repository. of Congress WashingtonDC Jeanne Drewes-Chief, Binding & Collections Care/Mass Deacid jdre@loc.govNational libraryonsite contractor counted here, other is globes and objects with collection used in exhibitions, contractor numbers count only conservation via binding contract. /all included in total numbers, not broken out. b102586 sheets divided by 2000 for linear ft book equivalents 232,105 but physical books 183, 191microfilm total is frame not item, and includes fiche; books is NDNP newspapers and not part of total; sound and video from NAVCC numbers, which are contract and in-house; other formats include maps 2665 images; digital from microfilm is frame countPNAVCC only partially tracks digitized sound recordings and moving images by format. Only CD are broken out for audio and only DVD for moving image. For this reason, the figure above for "analog" sound recordings includes all magnetic and digital audio tape. Similarly, moving image figure includes all digital video formats as well. Jcopyright would be other but their numbers are not included in this surveyZother text are e-serial issues; ebooks through CIP Q43 is 6.206 petabytes comprised of 1,484,861 total files. Q44 include preservation master files and access derivatives served to researchers as well as digitally acquired collection items added to repository. web archive is 179.2 terabytes; these numbers do not include digitized materials. State University LibrariesUniversity Park Sue Kellerman/Head, Preservation, Conservation & Digitization lsk3@psu.edu#15 "Other" is Book shoes{#34 unbound sheets - This figure includes 305 single sheets scanned as patron requests for foldouts not scanned by Google. Santa Barbara LibrarySanta Barbara David Howarter-Library Assistant V - Conservation Supervisordhowarter@ucsb.edu5Digital preservation is done in more than one unit.,Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame Notre DameINLiz Dube*Interim Head of Preservation / Conservator ldube@nd.edusThe Hesburgh Libraries now includes the University Archives. This is the first year we are reporting data for both.For the bound volume treatments: 2475 are level 1, 692 are level 2, and 253 are level 3 We do not track other treatments by level. of Iowa Libraries Iowa CityIA Nancy E Kraft'Head, Preservation & Conservation Dept.nancy-e-kraft@uiowa.edu State University Libraries East LansingMI Eric Alstrom#Head of Conservation & Preservationalstrom@msu.edu of Connecticut LibrariesStorrsCT Carole Dyalc.dyal@uconn.edu128.135.55.106University of Chicago LibraryChicago Sherry Byrnesbyr@uchicago.edu#12. 652 books treated for red rot consolidation; cleaned 510 linear feet of rare books - not included in this survey #15. rehoused 1043 items in commercially purchased pamphlet binders - not included in this surveyAll activities performed in this optional section were carried out by Special Collections staff, not performed by Conservation staff.N#27 under microfilm; number is number of items (or titles) not number of reels of Houston LibrariesHoustonTX Matt Richardson and Emily Vinson(Program Manager // Audiovisual Archivistrmrichardson@uh.edu*Other includes staple bound music scores. UniversityEvanstonKatie Risseeuwk-risseeuw@northwestern.eduThe conservation lab was inaccessible due to renovation for 9 months this year, which is why our work is loaded more on the easier treatments and housings that could be performed without a lab.We tracked out exhibit prep work in hours this year, so don't have item numbers. Assessment numbers includes 2 official surveys and routine weekly evaluation.XWe aren't tracking repository additions in a good way right now due to technical issues. University LibrariesSyracuseMarianne Hanley, Sarah Kim,Preservation Librarian, Technical Specialist mhanley@syr.edu, sskim05@syr.eduFor numbers 10-13, the numbers in Books and Bound Volumes includes Historic and Ethnographic Objects. For number 12-13, the numbers in Books and Bound volumes also include Unbound Sheets.For number 16, the total amount includes items that were prepared for exhibition. Digitization for different formatting was not recorded."Toledo-Lucas County Public LibraryToledoOHIrene M. MartinPreservationistirene.martin@toledolibrary.orgPublic library|Usually we do 10-20 phase boxes done by an outside contractor per year. Due to budget constraints we did not them this year.CWe have an ongoing project to reformat our cassette tapes onto cds.E The library is working on a grant to set up a digital repository. of Colorado BoulderBoulderCOLauren StapletonPreservation Managerlauren.stapleton@colorado.eduWe do not distinguish the item format since most items we work on are books or flat documents. I would guess that a small percentage (5%) would likely fit into another category besides books and bound volumes.5Other in question 36 is Digital masters to Mp4 files.Other in question 41 is 3D "movies". Also the totals for question 41 are what was published in the CU Digital Library, not what was scanned and stored in our file management system. San Diego LibraryLa Jolla Jack Nevesjneves@ucsd.edu Memorial Library, Tulane University New OrleansLADonna Capelle CookDirector, Technical Servicesdcook@tulane.edu Public Library Special Collections Mooresville Andy PooreCurator of Special Collectionsapoore@ci.mooresville.nc.usOThe books repaired are for the general circulating collection of the library. We microfilm the local paper at the end of the year. We have never counted the pages or issues as they vary from paper to paper and year to year. We have sent off for preservation 3 films of 30 to 80 minutes each. It is our department as the Town does not have a digital preservation department or the like. We work with IT and others to do a make shift preservation unit.'Harry Ransom Humanitie< s Research CenterAustinBunnie TwidwellAdministrative Assistantbunnie@utexas.edu&Humanities research library and museum-Institution does not differentiate materials. of Texas Libraries Wendy Martin 0Manager of Digitization Services and Conservatorwkmartin@austin.utexas.edu12. The value recorded for Books and Bound Volumes includes all Level 1 repairs as well as items placed in pamphlet binders. (Pamphlet binds were not included in the count for FY 2013-14.)Digital preservation responsibilities are shared among various units in the UT Libraries, including the Preservation and Digital Curation Services Unit and the Technology Innovation and Strategy unit.39. The number of digital files reformatted from one file format to another for the purpose of preservation is significantly larger this year because of the inclusion of statistics from the Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin American (AILLA) which is part of the Benson Latin American Collection. 40. This figure is the total content in our institutional repository. UT Libraries manages significantly more unique digital content in other storage locations (roughly 280 TB of data overall). Please note: The repository, Texas ScholarWorks (formerly University of Texas Digital Repository, UTDR) is an institutional repository, not a digital preservation repository. 41. Items ingested into the institutional repository are not presently tracked by format, except for ETDs. University Libraries Bloomington Bloomington Elise Calvi7Head, General Collections Conservation and Preservationecalvi@indiana.edu`IU has a large scale, university-supported initiative to digitize and preserve time-based media. The Media Digitization and Preservation initiative has in-house and on-site contractor components side-by-side in one building. In house work is on items requiring one-by-one conversion; contract work is stable materials capable of high-volume throughput.EThe response to the quantity of unique digital content is an estimate128.227.207.2233George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida GainesvilleFLFletcher Durantfdurant@ufl.edu1. Custom protective enclosures for "unbound sheets" likely includes some "photographic materials" but housings currently only tracked for bound/unbound. 2. In addition to the conservation treatments listed here, the conservation lab froze 27525 items (bound/unbound) that were wet, moldy, or suspected of pest infestation. Internal statistics track these as level 1 treatments, but their inclusion in the above numbers would skew the interpretation of our interventive treatment capacity.kTotals for digitization prep are also included in totals for "conservation treatment (in-house, by format)"~83 of the monograph volumes are specialty dissertations/these that are bound prior to accessioning in the Library collections.?Total items are an estimate due to project partner submissions. of Virginia LibraryCharlottesvilleVAKara M. McClurkenDirector, Preservation Serviceskmm6ef@virginia.edudHow we track items prepped for exhibition is evolving and so stats were unevenly recorded this year.A220 of the bound volumes digitized were theses and dissertations.Some of the digitized items have not added to the digital repository are not reported in this year's numbers because of a workflow delay. The total number of GB reported is likely higher than was accurate on the last day of FY 2015. This is because not all of our systems track when something was ingested--so, some of the data is accurate as of 6/30/2015 and other data is accurate as of March 2016. The Web archives is counting number of documents (with distinct web addresses). Western Reserve University ClevelandSharlane Gubkin*Preservation Officer, Kelvin Smith Library sxg7@case.eduNDid not record most types of items for which protective enclosures were made. All items entering the unit are assessed for condition and treatment needs, Did not keep track of how many items were assessed, only number of treatments."Digitized books" included documents, as they recorded both books and documents as "documents" and did not distinguish between the 2 categories.YThey did not know. Both Preservation and mostly the Digital Learning and Scholarship teamvNo statistics were kept on our digital repository and they were unable to answer any of the questions in this section.!University of Minnesota Libraries MinneapolisMN Mary Miller 3Director of Collection Management and Preservation memiller@umn.edu total: 9475+ for one repository. Does not include web archiving or other locations where long-term content is stored. Notes: The numbers above in question 44 are estimates based on file formats alone and reflect only one repository plus web archiving where 104gb abd 275gb respectively were collected in FY15. Blank answers do not mean we didn't collect/preserve these types of files, just that they were not part of this repository or we were not able to separate out the information. Our other storage areas have seen an increase by about 40TB. These numbers also do not include materials from the archives and special collections units who have begun to collect electronic materials which is estimated at 1TB. York University LibrariesNew YorkPaula De StefanoHead, Preservation Department pd3@nyu.eduOther was motion picture film digitized. Outsourced digitization of books, manuscripts, photographs, etc., is not done in the preservation department so I do not have statistics for it.In-house AND outsourced digitization of non-media materials, books, unbound materials, etc., is not done in the preservation department so I have no statistics for it.%Other is motion picture digitization. Ohio State University LibrariesColumbusEmily Frieda Shaw!Head, Preservation & Reformattingshaw.782@osu.eduWe have a large, long-term cleaning project ongoing involving flat paper materials, but we do not track the work done on this by our staff, students and volunteers.5Scanning through Google Books partnership is includedWe're in the midst of standing up a new preservation and access repository and will by migrating legacy and new content into the repository over the next few years. So, hope to offer data for this section next year! of Michigan Libary Ann ArborShannon Zachary,Head, Dept. of Preservation and Conservationszachary@umich.edu&We engage in conservation assessment, digitization prep, and exhibit prep, but do not track them separately. (Conservation staff hours for exhibit prep = 1486, exclusive of treatments.) Actual treatments related to any of these activities are counted in the core conservation treatment section.|Library did validation and ingest for 23 volumes owned and scanned by another library; these are not included in the counts.;"Historic and ethnographic objects" were papyrus fragments. at Albany, SUNYAlbanyKaren E. Kiorpes/Head, Alice Hastings Murphy Preservation Dept. kkiorpes@albany.eduI do not track unbound sheets being encloses or what level of treatment. Assume most/all are Level 2 and that enclosures are always required1 bound volume is a scrapbook of 60 photographs that were digitized and microfilmed, so this was a bit messy to parse for this survey(In house bound volumes are all pamphletsSpecial Collections & ArchivesIAlso 198.1 GB of web archives that I can't translate into "items" and add130.132.173.24Yale University Library New HavenRoberta Pilette!Director, Preservation Departmentroberta.pilette@yale.eduIno (skip to Section 5: Digital Preservation and Digital Asset Management) University LibraryKaren O'ConnellPreservation Coordinatorkho@georgetown.eduIn addition to treatment levels and item format, we track number of treatments, as these may be higher than num< ber of items treated. In addition, we track treatment type. Georgetown University Library joined Academic Preservation Trust in FY2015. We plan to ingest content into APTrust in FY2016. The University does not yet have a DAM. Materials ingested in our Institutional Repository for Access are not counted as Preservation files. University (Harvey Library)HamptonValinda Carrollvalinda.carroll@hamptonu.eduCurrent activity includes processing materials for full digitization that were previously scanned about ten years ago, rather than the physical items (CD-R and DVD-R and DVD-RW) State UniversityAmes Mindy McCoyPreservation Assistantmskipoff@iastate.eduonly track ETDs by format university of kentucky libraries lexingtonKY kazuko hioki7conservation librarian, asian studies liaison librariankazuko@uky.eduThis number include only the items treated at the conservation lab. The number does not include treatments performed at the Fine Arts Library, Medical Center, and other branch libraries (if they did.) EThis number include Young and all branches excluding Medical Center. =For Q 27: 30 reels (16mm color film, 30 cans) plus 114 reels Q 33: 1227= tapes for 1,175.32 hrs Q 34: 14 DV for 9.12 hrs Q 32: The numbers seem slightly misleading because individual images/pages are not considered for the books and microfilm reels digitized, but ARE considered for the unbound sheets (manuscript collections) and photographs.oCurrently only Digital preservation for Special Collections Research Center holdings is managed within the SCRCQ 38: this number include only SCRC's materials and does not include UKnowledge's digital content, since the UKW vendor does not provide the number at this time. Q 39 : The numbers seem slightly misleading because individual images/pages are not considered for books digitized, but ARE considered for the unbound sheets (manuscript collections) and photographs. Books: 780 (UPK) + 82 SCRC, still images: 198 (UKW) + 4004 SCRCMy institution does not have an in-house conservation treatment program (skip to Conservation Assessment, Digitization Prep, & Exhibition Prep) University Janet Gertz4Director, Preservation & Digital Conversion Divisiongertz@columbia.eduIn-house numbers reflect work done by our staff and by contract conservators working in our facility; contract vendor numbers reflect work done off-site by vendors.5We do not separately track digitization-related work.+We counted archival collections under Manuscripts since they consist mostly of textual documents, but there are also photographs, AV, etc. Not sure what you wanted us to count under Web Archives. 2124 is the number of WARC files we added; alternatively we could have said ca. 24,000,000 HTML pages149.10.146.153New York State Library Liza DuncanPrincipal Librarian liza.duncan@nysed.gov State library of Kansas LibrariesLawrenceKS Whitney BakerHead, Conservation Services wbaker@ku.eduGdon't know (skip to section 4: Reformatting and Digitization: In-House) of Hawai'i at Manoa, Hamilton LibraryHonoluluHIMalia Van Heukelem"Preservation Management Specialistmaliavh@hawaii.eduTotal number of books and bound volumes treated by in-house staff=1552; total unbound sheets treated by in-house staff: 483. Total numbers are included here for these formats since not all were tracked by time interval.General Preservation Activities NOT included above: mold cleaned from 17635 volumes; freeze extermination completed for 628 boxes of books and archival materials (7579 volumes). ]Question 23: Other formats = newspapers / 77532 exposures Question 24: Microfilm = 131 reels3Question 32: Other = 688 image files (born digital)NQuestion 39: books, manuscripts, and theses are combined as textual documents. Madison University Libraries & Educational Technologies Harrisonburg Julia Merkelpreservation officermerkeljm@jmu.edu)we switched data collection to tracking by item format AND type in July 2015. These statistics do not reflect format although it is safe to say that books and volumes are most of what comes through the preservation office. I only occasionally work with sheets, photographs, and historic artifacts.began tracking exhibit prep for this fiscal year as our exhibits program expanded--digitization prep is not tracked separately from conservationeMusic library reports 1921 discs, 68 titles streaming, 21755 total files or 105820 minutes or 1.12 TB10K figure is for total content and includes preservation, mezzanine and access copies according to Digital Collections Librarian. Also digital preservation is in the process of being formalized and will probably reside with Collections Management Unit. Data set manager position is being reallocated internally from a current science librarian position--lots of reorganization in the works including metadata manager in what was the Cataloging Unit137.216.139.892H.M. Briggs Library, South Dakota State University BrookingsMichele Christian+Archivist and Special Collections Librarianmichele.chrisitan@sdstate.edu Archives and Special Collections216.249.144.23Murray State UniversityMurray Sarah Hopley*Special Collections and Exhibits Librarianshopley@murraystate.eduArchives Special Collections and Archives64.122.219.100'Northwestern Health Sciences University Monica HowellArchivist, Serials Technicianmhowell@nwhealth.eduMoving image reformatting is done elsewhere in the university by IT staff members. Photo digitization is done in library by library staff members. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Ian Bogus!MacDonald Curator of Preservationbogus@upenn.edu171.67.132.104Stanford University LibrariesStanford Richenda BrimHead of Preservation Departmentrbrim@stanford.edu'Used Other in #15 to capture pambindingrMonograph bindery total includes are Archives Print on Demand - electronic files printed and bound by the bindery.dWe included maps in the total number of unbound sheets in #37 but would prefer as a unique category.BWe reported maps as but would prefer as a unique category.!Smithsonian Institution Libraries Vanessa Smithhaightv@si.eduSpecial libraryMO Planetarium Lauren BoegenDigital Collections Managerlboegen@adlerplanetarium.orgMuseum134.53.234.153Miami University LibrariesOxford Ashley Jonesjonesab2@miamioh.edujWe collect data mostly by type of treatment, but do not differentiate between material types in statistics.We do all of these things, but do not track itJWe do not microfilm in-house. We do digitize materials but do not track it128.42.225.165Rice University Andrew Damicoadamico@rice.eduWebsites and emails are not archived in the digital repository. However this sort of content may be preserved through other means (e.g. Internet Archive's wayback machine or near/off line storage for email. Since survey is about unique content, numbers above for the IR do NOT include faculty publications, patents or copies of Open Access Journals. For these materials, the IR is not the primary repository but just stores a secondary copy. UniversityAthens Miriam NelsonHead of Preservationnelsonm1@ohio.eduVThere are not established workflows for Preservation to prepare items for digitization or exhibit. However, we are making progress in exhibit prep. Prep for digitization currently depends on experienced staff to specifically ask for assistance and thus far has not been accurately tracked. We anticipate doing more of that work in the future.We do not currently bind monograph, but we are exploring library binding as an outsourced general collections repair action as our Preservation department is too small to maintain an effective general collection binding program. However, the feasibility of this bu<dget wise is still unclear. Additionally there is an expectation that the serials binding will be reduced even further. Preservation is now becoming more involved in the coordination of reformatting and so we expect to be doing more of this work in FY16 particularly with AV formats.We are moving towards a collaboration between DI and Preservation, with Preservation taking on administrative responsibilities. 1We do not have a digital repository. DI and Preservation are currently conducting a needs assessment for digital preservation, which would include outsourced storage and preservation actions i.e. MetaArchive. Currently digital masters are stored on local servers but no active preservation is undertaken.!Kansas State University Libraries ManhattanKathryn Talbotktalbot@ksu.edu"we had 11 roles of film digitized. Crown Law Library Sarah WilsonReference Librarian & Archivistwilsosa@stanford.edu Hospital BinghamtonRamona Kacyvenski Archivistramona.kacyvenski@lourdes.com128.148.231.12Brown University ProvidenceRIMichelle VenditelliMichelle_Venditelli@brown.edu144.167.36.170MUniversity of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture Little RockAR Sarah BostStudent Success Archivistsjbost@ualr.edu.Director of Technology and Digital Initiatives Hall Law Library, Indiana University Maurer School of Law Nonie Watt)Assistant Director for Technical Serviceswattn@indiana.edu Berkeley LibraryBerkeley Barclay Ogden!Director for Library Preservationbogden@berkeley.edu University LibrariesDurham Beth Doyleb.doyle@duke.edu of North Florida Jacksonville Courtenay McLeland (Head, Digital Projects and Preservation d.c.mcleland@unf.edu"Windward Community College LibraryKaneoheMariko KershawTechnical Services Librariankershaw@hawaii.edu Preservation Society Keau Georgre'Collections Manager/ Project Specialistkeau.hps@gmail.comHistorical SocietyCollections Manager150.201.52.238SSpecial Collections and Archives, Kent Library, Southeast Missouri State UniversityCape Girardeau Roxanne Dunn*Special Collections and Archives Librarianrdunn@semo.eduMy apologies. i am answering this survey as the archivist, where i run the special collections and archives dept within kent library. I know our library sends out journals for commercial binding, but i don't know the exact number. University LibraryIthaca Tre Berney0Director, Digitization and Conservation Servicesdhb229@cornell.edu State Law Library AnnapolisMDSteve AndersonDirectorsteve.anderson@mdcourts.gov Law libraryGENERAL INFORMATIONCONSERVATION TREATMENTGENERAL PRESERVATION ACTIVITIES+Total number of volumes commercially bound QCONSERVATION ASSESSMENT, DIGITIZATION AND EXHIBIT PREP ITotal number of items surveyed for condition or assessed for conservation1Total number of items prepared for digitization ).Total number of items prepared for exhibition DIGITAL PRESERVATIONBooks and Bound Volumes2Unbound Sheets3Photographic Materials4Moving Image Recordings5Sound Recordings6 Art Objects7"Historic and Ethnographic Objects8Other9Books and Bound Volumes10Unbound Sheets11Photographic Materials12Moving Image Recordings13Sound Recordings14 Art Objects15#Historic and Ethnographic Objects16Other17Books and Bound Volumes18Unbound Sheets19Photographic Materials20Moving Image Recordings21Sound Recordings22 Art Objects23#Historic and Ethnographic Objects24Other25Books and Bound Volumes26Unbound Sheets27Photographic Materials28Moving Image Recordings29Sound Recordings30 Art Objects31#Historic and Ethnographic Objects32Other33Books and Bound Volumes34Unbound Sheets35Photographic Materials36Moving Image Recordings37Sound Recordings38 Art Objects39#Historic and Ethnographic Objects40Other41Books and Bound Volumes42Unbound Sheets43Photographic Materials44Moving Image Recordings45Sound Recordings46 Art Objects47#Historic and Ethnographic Objects48Other49Books and Bound Volumes50Unbound Sheets51Photographic Materials52Moving Image Recordings53Sound Recordings54 Art Objects55#Historic and Ethnographic Objects56Other57Open-Ended Response58Books and Bound Volumes59Unbound Sheets60Photographic Materials61Moving Image Recordings62Sound Recordings63 Art Objects64#Historic and Ethnographic Objects65Other66Books and Bound Volumes67Unbound Sheets68Photographic Materials69Moving Image Recordings70Sound Recordings71 Art Objects72#Historic and Ethnographic Objects73Other74Books and Bound Volumes75Unbound Sheets76Photographic Materials77Moving Image Recordings78Sound Recordings79 Art Objects80#Historic and Ethnographic Objects81Other82Open-Ended Response83Open-Ended Response84unbound sheets86photographic materials87books / bound volumes88unbound sheets89photographic materials90books / bound volumes91unbound sheets92photographic materials93 microfilm94 art objects95#historic and ethnographic objects96other97other98 Response100books / bound volumes101unbound sheets102photographic materials103other formats104btotal number of items microfilmed (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)105books / bound volumes106unbound sheets107photographic materials108 microfilm109+sound recording: analog disc or cylinder110!sound recording: magnetic tape111sound recording: other112moving image: film113moving image: magnetic tape114moving image: other115btotal number of items reformatted (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)116books / bound volumes117unbound sheets118photographic materials119 microfilm120art objects121$historic and ethnographic objects122other123Panalog disc or cylinder (e.g., phonograph cylinder, lacquer disc, vinyl disc)1256magnetic tape (e.g., open reel tape, cassette tape)126digital tape (e.g., DAT)127optical media (e.g., CDs)128 other (e.g., wire recordings)129ptotal number of sound recording items digitized (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)130(film (e.g., 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, 35mm)131@magnetic media (e.g., videocassette, U-Matic, Quad videotape)132+digital tape (e.g., digital Betacam, DV)133optical media (e.g., DVDs)134other135other140Open-Ended Response141NoteszHow much unique digital content (i.e., not including redundant/backup copies) is your institution currently managing? (GB)NOTES,total number of moving image items digitized0total number of items digitized for preservationPHow many of the following collection formats were digitized in-house in FY2015? JHow many of the following formats were reformatted to a new analog format?NOTES20total number of sound recording items digitized -total number of moving image items digitized21total number of items digitized for preservation2[How many of the following collection formats were digitized by a contract vendor in FY2015?Notes 2A kBx\DiVGcIL fMs (N5 O PR WUdUV9XF&\3]^V_c`)bffPhniXn o pIr3sst 7v! wTy>{|~ZDY4q7ϊ) X j0v<9.M:k A  D 2 k B3Y"9ڻ|j T\&E#qX   P D<u0{6oAA,.y% PK!pO[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;.n̨̽\A1&ҫ QWKvUbOX#&1`RT9<l#$>r `С-;c=1gѠԯٴ++2a,/$nECA6٥D-ʵ? dXiJF8,nx (MKoP(\HbWϿ})zg'8yV#x'˯?oOz3?^?O?~B,z_=yǿ~xPiL$M>7Ck9I#L nꎊ)f><|HL|3.ŅzI2O.&e>Ƈ8qBۙ5toG1sD1IB? }J^wi(#SKID ݠ1eBp{8yC]$f94^c>Y[XE>#{Sq c8 >;-&~ ..R(zy s^Fvԇ$*cߓqrB3' }'g7t4Kf"߇ފAV_] 2H7Hk;hIf;ZX_Fڲe}NM;SIvưõ[H5Dt(?]oQ|fNL{d׀O&kNa4%d8?L_H-Ak1h fx-jWBxlB -6j>},khxd׺rXg([x?eޓϲكkS1'|^=aѱnRvPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-!pO[Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 -_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!0ktheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] h H }  dMbP?_*+%M com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMHorizontalRes com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMHorizontalRes 300 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMOrientation com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMOrientation 1 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMScaling com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMScaling 1 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMVerticalRes com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMVerticalRes 300 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMVerticalScaling com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMVerticalScaling 1 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.subTicket.paper_info_ticket PMPPDPaperCodeName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray PMPPDPaperCodeName Letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 PMPPDTranslationStringPaperName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray PMPPDTranslationStringPaperName US Letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 PMTiogaPaperName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray PMTiogaPaperName na-letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPageRect com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPageRect 0 0 3058.3333333333335 2400 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPaperRect com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPaperRect -75 -75 3225.0000000000005 2475 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMPPDPaperDimension com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMPPDPaperDimension 0 0 612 792 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMPaperName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMPaperName na-letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMUnadjustedPageRect com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMUnadjustedPageRect 0 0 734 576 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMUnadjustedPaperRect com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMUnadjustedPaperRect -18 -18 774 594 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.ppd.PMPaperName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.ppd.PMPaperName Letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.ticket.APIVersion 00.20 com.apple.print.ticket.type com.apple.print.PaperInfoTicket com.apple.print.ticket.APIVersion 00.20 com.apple.print.ticket.type com.apple.print.PageFormatTicket Mz,, ` g(HH(dh "d??U } $ >} >}  >} $ >} >} m>} >} I >} >} m>} >}  I >} !!I T} "uI >} vvI>} wI >} m>} I >} $ >} > (Column H)H@@D       lmmmmmmmn ~S Ts<Ussssssssssssssssssssssssssto poqppppq{||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||} 0 > > > > > > >PPPPPPPPVU   !R "#) *+1 2L 3L4LLLLLLL: ;L<LLLLLLLB CxDxxxxxxxJ KxLxxxxxxxR SM TvUvvvvvvvw\ ]u^vvvvvvvwe fugvvvvvvvwn o? 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CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h |28Books and Bound Volumes10?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|29Unbound Sheets11?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|30Photographic Materials12?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|31Moving Image Recordings13?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h |32Sound Recordings14?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h!|33 Art Objects15?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h"|34#Historic and Ethnographic Objects16?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h#|35Other17?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h$|36Books and Bound Volumes18?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h%|37Unbound Sheets19?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h&|38Photographic Materials20?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h'|39Moving Image Recordings21?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h(|40Sound Recordings22?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h)|41 Art Objects23?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hu u*|42#Historic and Ethnographic Objects24?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h+|43Other25?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h,|44Open-Ended Response?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h-|45Books and Bound Volumes26?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h.|46Unbound Sheets27?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h/|47Photographic Materials28?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h0|48Moving Image Recordings29?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h1|49Sound Recordings30?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h2|50 Art Objects31?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h3|51#Historic and Ethnographic Objects32?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h4|52Other33?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h5|53Books and Bound Volumes34?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h6|54Unbound Sheets35?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h7|55Photographic Materials36?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h8|56Moving Image Recordings37?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h9|57Sound Recordings38?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h:|58 Art Objects39?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h;|59#Historic and Ethnographic Objects40?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h<|60Other41?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h=|61Books and Bound Volumes42?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h>|62Unbound Sheets43?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h?|63Photographic Materials44?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h@|64Moving Image Recordings45?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hA|65Sound Recordings46?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hB|66 Art Objects47?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hC|67#Historic and Ethnographic Objects48?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hD|68Other49?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hE|69Books and Bound Volumes50?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hF|70Unbound Sheets51?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hG|71Photographic Materials52?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hH|72Moving Image Recordings53?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hI|73Sound Recordings54?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hJ|74 Art Objects55?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hK|75#Historic and Ethnographic Objects56?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hL|76Other57?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hM|77Open-Ended Response58?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hN|78Books and Bound Volumes59?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hO|79Unbound Sheets60?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hP|80Photographic Materials61?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hQ|81Moving Image Recordings62?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hR|82Sound Recordings63?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hS|83 Art Objects64?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hT|u u84#Historic and Ethnographic Objects65?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hU|85Other66?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hV|86ITotal number of items surveyed for condition or assessed for conservation?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hW|87Books and Bound Volumes67?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hX|88Unbound Sheets68?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hY|89Photographic Materials69?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hZ|90Moving Image Recordings70?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h[|91Sound Recordings71?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h\|92 Art Objects72?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h]|93#Historic and Ethnographic Objects73?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h^|94Other74?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h_|951Total number of items prepared for digitization )?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h`|96Books and Bound Volumes75?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘ha|97Unbound Sheets76?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hb|98Photographic Materials77?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hc|99Moving Image Recordings78?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hd|100Sound Recordings79?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘he|101 Art Objects80?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hf|102#Historic and Ethnographic Objects81?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hg|103Other82?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hh|104.Total number of items prepared for exhibition ?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hi|105Open-Ended Response83?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hj|106.Number of monograph volumes commercially bound?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hk|107+Number of serial volumes commercially bound?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hl|108+Total number of volumes commercially bound ?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hm|1094Number of bound volumes / pamphlets mass deacidified?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hn|1108Number of linear feet of unbound papers mass deacidified?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘ho|111Open-Ended Response84?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hp|112UDoes your institution outsource reformatting and/or digitization to contract vendors??CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hq|113books / bound volumes?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hr|114unbound sheets86?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hs|115photographic materials87?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘ht|116 other formats?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hu|117_total number of items microfilmed (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hv|118books / bound volumes88?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hw|119unbound sheets89?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hx|120photographic materials90?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hy|121 microfilm?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hz|122(sound recording: analog disc or cylinder?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h{|123sound recording: magnetic tape?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h||124souu und recording: other?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h}|125moving image: film?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h~|126moving image: magnetic tape?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|127moving image: other?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|128_total number of items reformatted (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|129books / bound volumes91?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|130unbound sheets92?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|131photographic materials93?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|132 microfilm94?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|133 art objects95?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|134#historic and ethnographic objects96?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|135other97?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|1360total number of items digitized for preservation?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|137Manalog disc or cylinder (e.g., phonograph cylinder, lacquer disc, vinyl disc)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|1383magnetic tape (e.g., open reel tape, cassette tape)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|139digital tape (e.g., DAT)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|140optical media (e.g., CDs)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|141other (e.g., wire recordings)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|1420total number of sound recording items digitized ?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|143%film (e.g., 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, 35mm)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|144=magnetic media (e.g., videocassette, U-Matic, Quad videotape)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|145(digital tape (e.g., digital Betacam, DV)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|146optical media (e.g., DVDs)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|147other98?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|148,total number of moving image items digitized?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|149NOTES?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|150 Response100?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|151books / bound volumes101?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|152unbound sheets102?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|153photographic materials103?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|154other formats104?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|155btotal number of items microfilmed (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)105?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|156books / bound volumes106?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|157unbound sheets107?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|158photographic materials108?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|159 microfilm109?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|160+sound recording: analog disc or cylinder110?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|161!sound recording: magnetic tape111?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|162sound recording: other112?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|163moving image: film113?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|u u164moving image: magnetic tape114?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|165moving image: other115?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|166btotal number of items reformatted (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)116?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|167books / bound volumes117?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|168unbound sheets118?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|169photographic materials119?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|170 microfilm120?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|171art objects121?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|172$historic and ethnographic objects122?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|173other123?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|1741total number of items digitized for preservation2?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|175Panalog disc or cylinder (e.g., phonograph cylinder, lacquer disc, vinyl disc)125?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|1766magnetic tape (e.g., open reel tape, cassette tape)126?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|177digital tape (e.g., DAT)127?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|178optical media (e.g., CDs)128?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|179 other (e.g., wire recordings)129?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|180ptotal number of sound recording items digitized (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)130?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|181(film (e.g., 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, 35mm)131?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|182@magnetic media (e.g., videocassette, U-Matic, Quad videotape)132?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|183+digital tape (e.g., digital Betacam, DV)133?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|184optical media (e.g., DVDs)134?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|185other135?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|186-total number of moving image items digitized2?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|187NOTES2?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|188Thepreservation unit?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|189HA digital initiatives (or similarly titled) unit within the organization?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|190,An IT / Systems unit within the organization?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|191OA collections development / collections management unit within the organization?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|192OA group or committee with representatives of multiple units in the organization?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|193A unit outside the immediate organization but within the institution (for example, an academic library s digital preservation activities are handled by a digital projects team outside the library but within the University)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|194NOther - digital preservation responsibilities report to ____ (please specify):?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|195How many digital files were reformatted from one file format to another for the purpose of preservation? (i.e., Word Perfect to PDF/A, MP3 to WAV)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|196zHow much unique digital content (i.e., not including redundant/backup copies) is your institution currently managing? (GB)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|197books?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|198 manuscripts?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|199theses / dissertations?CalibriCalibriuuuQa~͘h|200other textual documents?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|201 still images?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|202audio?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|203video?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|204 web archives?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|205emails?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|206 data sets?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|207other140?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|208Ctotal (sum of above entries or total if you do not track by format)?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘h|209Open-Ended Response141?CalibriCalibriuQa~͘hw6w|? 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