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Coordinates and oversees review and selection of international papers session submissions. Conducts all the duties of an IRRT Committee Chair 1. Consults with and advises the IRRT Chair regarding Committee membership. 2. Corresponds with Committee members and oversees the Committee member assignments. Reports to the IRRT Executive Board at midwinter and annual conferences. Prepares and submits a report following midwinter and annual conferences. Attends the Committee Chair Orientation at midwinter and annual conferences. Provides Committee text and updates for inclusion on the IRRT Website and in International Leads to the editors as appropriate. Chairs the Committee at midwinter and annual meetings. Prepares and distributes the agenda in advance. Sets the time of the meeting during the IRRT All Committee session. If a new Chair, the Chair should communicate with the outgoing Chair to ensure an understanding of the ongoing work of the Committee. Members In addition to the Chair, the Committee consists of 4-6 members. Members are appointed by the IRRT Chair-Elect in consultation with the International Papers Sessions Committee Chair and IRRT Executive Board members. Members serve a two-year renewable term. Member responsibilities, as assigned to specific members Assist in selecting a theme for the annual call for papers. Review and evaluate all paper session submissions. Publicize international papers sessions to Ƶmembership, IRRT membership and through International Leads, the IRRT website and listservs of divisions with International Relation Committees Assist in running the international papers session. Processes that are used Summary. To select a theme for the annual call for papers; papers will be selected at the midwinter meeting for presentation at the annual conference in the following year, i.e., approximately 18 months later. To announce and disseminate the call for papers. To review and select 4 presenters and 4 alternates from foreign countries who represent a wide diversity of opinions and approaches to the library. To promote the international papers session in the conference. To refer applicants to other Ƶpanels when appropriate. To evaluate the success of the yearly program. Processes Committee members discuss and select the theme for the upcoming papers session. Chair of the committee communicates with the ƵInternational Relations Office and Chair of the IRRT to issue the call for papers. The International Relations Office collects paper submissions and forwards them to the Committee by end of year. The Committee reviews and selects paper submissions at the Ƶmidwinter meeting. Committee members not attending the meeting do their selections by e-mail prior to the midwinter meeting. Papers are selected based on quality as well as their focus on the selected theme. As much as possible, a broad range of geographical representation will also be considered. Four presenters and four alternates (ranked) will be selected. The Committee also plans for the next annual international papers session during Ƶmidwinter. After the midwinter meeting, the Committee Chair submits the names of the presenters as well as alternates to the International Relations Office. The International Relations Office will prepare and send invitation letters to the candidates and obtain their acceptance letters. After the final presenters are confirmed, the Committee prepares publicity materials and submits it to the IRRT Web master, the International Leads, as well as various library-related listservs. The Chair assigns responsibilities to Committee members regarding the international papers session before ƵAnnual Conference. The Committee tries to meet with the presenters before the international papers session, possibly at the International Visitors Orientation (Friday evening of ƵAnnual). The Committee runs the international papers session and evaluate the success of the program afterwards. Timeline for Action/Calendar (Note: If a date below falls on a weekend, the next business day will be used.) August Add new committee members if necessary. Finalize the theme for the next program (discussed at the ƵAnnual). Communicate with the ƵInternational Relations Office and Chair of the IRRT to issue the call for papers. September 1 -- Call for papers posted on the IRRT Website; also distribute the call via appropriate discussion lists including listservs of divisions with International Relations Committees. November to mid-December Deadline for paper submission. Before ƵMidwinter Distribute proposals to Committee members for review. Chair seeks input from committee members who are not attending the Ƶmidwinter. January/February (ƵMidwinter) Review and select proposals. Submit names of presenters and alternates to the International Relations Office after the meeting. Submit meeting minutes to IRRT Executive Board. February 1 -- Final notification of selected papers announced. February 15 Letters of invitation sent by the International Relations Office to the presenters; letters of acceptance received soon after. March Confirm with the International Relations Office regarding the final presenters. April Prepare promotional texts for the international papers session and submit it to the editor of the International Leads May Prepare a program flyer and distribute it via various library-related discussion lists. Before ƵAnnual Distribute a reminder to discussion lists about the program. June/July (ƵAnnual) At the Committee meeting, discuss the theme for the next program. Try to meet the presenters at the International Visitors Orientation. Run the international papers session. After ƵAnnual -- Submit meeting minutes as well as committee report to the IRRT Executive Board. Relation to the IRO office (who does what) * In cooperation with the Chairs of the International Relations Round Table (IRRT) as well as the International Papers Committee (IPC), issues the call for papers for the session. * Collects paper submissions and forwards them to the International Papers Committee for review by end of year. * Upon receipt of the names of speakers and alternates from the Chair of the IPC after ƵMidwinter, prepares and sends invitation letters to the candidates and obtain their acceptance letters. If some of the speakers are unable to attend ALA, invite the highest ranked alternates. * Arranges the time and location of the International Papers Session. * Assists presenters of papers, as possible and appropriate, to obtain visas through letters of invitation and other means. Forms that are used Forms used: None so far.  !>?OPh  " ( f g h { ѻ}u}nf^W͈͈n h^ghg4h^ghg46h^ghQm6 h^gh^gh=Oh^g6 h=Oh^ghQm h^ghQm+h=OhQm5B*CJOJQJ\aJph+h=OhQm56B*CJOJQJaJphh=Oh!X5>*h=Oh9>*h^g h=OhQmh=Oh!X>*h=OhxA>*h=Ohm>* h=Oh!Xh=Oh!X5! ?OP  " ( g ;  J & F gd^g ^`gd^gh`hgd^g & Fgd^ggd^ggdQm & FgdQmgd9gdQm~%JREyze* & Fdd[$\$gd9gd' & Fgd^g & Fgd^g^gdQmh^hgd^g & F gd^ggd^g & F gd^gQRDExyz+, BŽŒwleee h=Oh'h=Oh'B*phh=Oh'6B*phh=Oh'6B*\phh=Oh'6\h=Oh9\h=Oh96\ h=Oh9h=Oh96h=Oh9>*h=Oh!X5>* h=Oh^gh^ghQm h=OhQm h^gh^gh=Ohg46\h=OhQm6\'*i,!,B3 : & F[$\$gd' [$\$gd' dd[$\$gd' dd[$\$gd9 & Fdd[$\$gd9:)YZ()< = ! & F[$\$gd' [$\$gd' dd[$\$gd' & F[$\$gd'YZd).= @ A !!!!"""E"$$$I%K%L%O%c%|%}%~%ɻɱɻh=Oh'>* h=Ohg4 h=OhKAvh=Oh!X5>* h=Oh!Xh=Oh'6\h=Oh'5B*\phh=Oh'B*phh=Oh'6B*phh=Oh'6B*\ph h=Oh'h=Oh'5\)!H!!!!""E""i#$$H%I%J%K%L%M%N%O%c%}%~% 7$8$H$gdKAvgd' [$\$gd' & F[$\$gd',1h/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH `@2` Qm Heading 3dd@&[$\$5B*CJOJQJ\aJphDAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListL^@L Qm Normal (Web)dd[$\$ B*ph333HH Qm Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJHZ@H ' Plain Textdd[$\$ B*ph333~8 ?OP"( g;JRE y z e * i , ! ,B3 :)YZ()<=HEiHIJKLMNOc}00000000( 0(0(0 0 0 00@0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 00000 0 0 000000000000000 0 0 00000000000000000000 ?OP"( ;Jz e * i , ! ,B3 :)YZ()<=HEiHIJKOc}00000000* 0*0* 0 0@0@0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0@0@ 0K00K00@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 K020#@0@0@ 0@ 0@ 0@0@0@0@0@ 0@ 0@ 0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@ 0@ 0@ 0@0K00K00K00K0Z0 K0Z0 K0U0K0U0K0U0K0U0K0U0K00K00K00@0K00~%J*:!~%~%4L5 6,*$7 l&8$9  :'; ̄<4)= t)>O*? ?ABCDEFGIJKLMNORRoot Entry F ^uT1TablewEWordDocument.8SummaryInformation(@DocumentSummaryInformation8HCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qRoot Entry FuuZ@1TablewEWordDocument.8SummaryInformation(@  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?ABCDEFGYX DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q՜.+,D՜.+,\ hp  Balkan Connections5o OPERATING AND PROCEDURE MANUAL Title4 $,