WEBVTT 1 00:02:35.680 --> 00:02:41.860 Ninah Moore: Thank you, everyone for joining us. We will begin. let's give it one more minute for for people to come in. 2 00:03:53.690 --> 00:03:56.529 Ninah Moore: Jenny. You may begin. Thank you. 3 00:03:56.880 --> 00:04:05.820 Jenny McElroy: Thanks. Everybody for joining us today. for our Town Hall about Rsa Budget and finance. 4 00:04:05.880 --> 00:04:08.700 Jenny McElroy: we are gonna talk for 5 00:04:09.360 --> 00:04:28.889 Jenny McElroy: the whole thing is gonna be 30 min or or less, but we're gonna talk for a little while. Share some of the things that are going on. Some of the planning that's happening. What we're looking forward to. and then there'll be time at the end for questions. and I am joined by several members of the committee as well as Bill and Nina from recess staff. So 6 00:04:28.900 --> 00:04:32.689 Jenny McElroy: well, if we can't find you the answer today, we'll definitely get it for you. 7 00:04:32.910 --> 00:04:49.790 Jenny McElroy: so getting started here. just some brief introductions. My name is Jenny Maccore. I'm the chair of the Rusa Budget and Finance Committee this year. I am the library manager at the Minnesota Historical Society, proud member of the history Section 8 00:04:49.800 --> 00:05:04.169 Jenny McElroy: so also representing them, even though it does not say so on this slide. Joseph the recent President elect. Emily is our codes Representative Shannon, from Ets Lisa, from Brass. Janet from Rss 9 00:05:04.180 --> 00:05:14.099 Jenny McElroy: Mike was our representative from stars. Mike resigned this fall after several years of great work with us, so we are looking for a new stars. Rep 10 00:05:14.160 --> 00:05:19.570 Jenny McElroy: and then Bill, who joins us for all of our meetings, and provides so much good information to us 11 00:05:19.830 --> 00:05:21.750 Jenny McElroy: so that we can do our work. 12 00:05:22.250 --> 00:05:25.689 Jenny McElroy: so the current budget and finance 13 00:05:25.700 --> 00:05:50.029 Jenny McElroy: team or committee started in sort of the. There used to be an old one back in the day, it was mostly vice-chairs of the various sections and and people from the Rusa board. there was a roof a task force that was founded in 2,020 in January, basically because Rusa needed to find a more fiscally sound way of operating. We had what we called a runway to find a solution. 14 00:05:50.040 --> 00:06:07.299 Jenny McElroy: and our solution was, Can we stay independent? Do we need to transition, you know, merge with someone else or another group? Or do we need to dissolve. What is the what is the financial sustainability look like? And that was the start of a 3 year pivot. 15 00:06:07.310 --> 00:06:27.190 Jenny McElroy: I will say we started using the term pivot unaware that I think everyone was gonna use the word pivot for various things. But we, you know that's where we are. and it's about sustaining our our organization fiscally and and making a model that works moving forward. So thus it was the futures task force. 16 00:06:27.200 --> 00:06:35.770 Jenny McElroy: and now, in the present we have transitioned to a new model for budget and finance that started in July of 2,021. 17 00:06:36.160 --> 00:06:55.089 Jenny McElroy: that group has monthly meetings rather than the every 2 weeks, or every 3 weeks that we had with futures, but also far more than the Quarterly, or every 6 months that some of the older budget and finance models had in the past. Our meetings are all virtual, which means anyone can be a member 18 00:06:55.100 --> 00:07:04.600 Jenny McElroy: mit ctl, and without needing to travel for things. and all the sections in the board are represented. We're a little bit smaller, but there is a rep from each section, and the board 150 19 00:07:04.610 --> 00:07:21.310 Jenny McElroy: as represented by the President elect and the section select their own reps. It's not necessarily assigned to a position. Now. Some sections have decided that it goes along with another job. So perhaps you're a member at large, and you sit on budget and finance. 20 00:07:21.320 --> 00:07:28.690 Jenny McElroy: Some sections have decided that it's a person that they assign that maybe doesn't have a regular job, and this is their only one. 21 00:07:28.830 --> 00:07:33.410 Jenny McElroy: so that's kind of nice and interesting. Everybody can make it work their own way. 22 00:07:33.900 --> 00:07:53.840 Jenny McElroy: what do we do? Well, we do budget things. but we also do other things. Every every organization has to have a budget. Obviously. we do budget related things. We also do financial oversight. we do future funds related, planning whether that's budgeting or not. 23 00:07:53.850 --> 00:08:00.149 Jenny McElroy: and we evaluate report, and suggest on things that are related to finances. So 24 00:08:00.160 --> 00:08:16.910 Jenny McElroy: 2 examples of that. in in recent years. very recently, is the Roost queue Journal. you know we had a report on on the future of that, and it's finances that has resulted in in a plan for a return of the journal, but with a financial cap on its production. 25 00:08:16.920 --> 00:08:21.420 Jenny McElroy: we also recommended an awards task force, which we'll chat about in a little bit. 26 00:08:21.840 --> 00:08:23.479 Jenny McElroy: and other things as well. 27 00:08:24.430 --> 00:08:33.489 Jenny McElroy: so what is our our budget, calendar? Look like for reset. This might be obvious to some people, but it wasn't necessarily to me before I joined futures and budget and finance 28 00:08:33.500 --> 00:08:44.759 Jenny McElroy: the fy 22 for us closed October 30 first we have received a preliminary year End report. That's showing a surplus which is very good. 29 00:08:44.770 --> 00:08:55.359 Jenny McElroy: and as of last week there were a few expenses to calculate before a final final report. As of last week we were anticipating an approximate $30,000 surplus this year. 30 00:08:56.820 --> 00:09:20.900 Jenny McElroy: our fy 23 budget has been approved through the aa approval process, and then fy 24 planning begins in January or February. And that's kind of how it always goes. The budget gets approved in late fall. About the same time we get the year end reporting. Then we have a little bit of time, and then we start planning for the next year down the line. So it's a pretty far out budgeting process in my mind. 31 00:09:21.760 --> 00:09:27.589 Jenny McElroy: but progress on that pivot. 32 00:09:27.810 --> 00:09:46.549 Jenny McElroy: So we have stabilized our revenue in a lot of in a very real way. we were having a 10 year revenue decline. we have seen that decline slow, and then essentially stop. 33 00:09:46.560 --> 00:09:56.699 Jenny McElroy: which is really, very, very good. Over the past 3 years our expenses have significantly decreased, and we'll talk a little bit about that. 34 00:09:56.740 --> 00:09:58.459 Jenny McElroy: in a bit as well 35 00:09:58.820 --> 00:10:08.849 Jenny McElroy: as far as membership goes, membership is always the thing we always are looking for more members, both because that helps the financial stability of the organization, but also because 36 00:10:08.860 --> 00:10:18.850 Jenny McElroy: we want to serve people. And we want to, you know, find the people who who who this is their home, either professionally as a whole, or within a la, or however they feel about it. 37 00:10:20.140 --> 00:10:39.790 Jenny McElroy: One thing that has changed our membership number significantly is that we absorbed 3 former acts, escal groups and with them came their membership funds. That was a very much a game changer when that happened that changed our our view on that runway that I talked about just a few minutes ago. 38 00:10:41.780 --> 00:10:57.080 Jenny McElroy: as I mentioned the Russo Journal. Expense has been reduced 70, and capped for the future, which allows it to be sustainable, and and allows it to continue on. It had been essentially on hiatus for a number of reasons. 39 00:10:57.140 --> 00:10:59.929 Jenny McElroy: but it was quite expensive. 40 00:11:00.170 --> 00:11:20.409 Jenny McElroy: but you know, when futures met budget and finance, the discussion was that, having a a professional peer-reviewed journal, that that it's really important that we have a journal for for our members. It's important for people to be able to publish. It's important for people to be able to share and learn from each other. And so that's really really good news. 41 00:11:20.770 --> 00:11:34.820 Jenny McElroy: this year we had a virtual forum. For the first time it was experimental, and it was a great experiment. I don't know how many of you might have attended but it was successful, and it was profitable in its first year. 42 00:11:34.830 --> 00:11:53.089 Jenny McElroy: and it has a lot of opportunities. The plan is for the virtual forum to be a standing program to be yearly, to have it be an opportunity for people to share and learn, and also thus it's an opportunity for things like sponsorships and that kind of thing, and a and a membership driver as well. 43 00:11:54.740 --> 00:12:12.080 Jenny McElroy: and as I mentioned the awards cost Savings recommendations, task force has met, and they their initial report has been sent to the rooster board. But there's more to come there, so you know there's there's a lot still happening in in that area of 44 00:12:13.410 --> 00:12:14.989 Jenny McElroy: activity. I guess 45 00:12:17.340 --> 00:12:25.680 Ninah Moore: that's a good question. 46 00:12:27.790 --> 00:12:31.669 Jenny McElroy: They are not represented individually. 47 00:12:31.840 --> 00:12:39.770 Jenny McElroy: because they didn't come over and and maintain their structure is my understanding. in the same way. 48 00:12:40.130 --> 00:12:47.239 Jenny McElroy: I think that that's something that we could certainly discuss if they're if they're their own sections within Russia. 49 00:12:47.350 --> 00:12:56.880 Jenny McElroy: But they are certainly represented by the representative of the Board, who represents everyone in recess, so Joseph would would sort of be their representative at the moment. 50 00:12:59.710 --> 00:13:27.919 Jenny McElroy: I I will say that the the structure of budget and finances this is new, like, I said, and and sort of the frequency with which we meet, and the work that we're doing virtually is all sort of new. We've kind of entered the future here in a way or the present, I guess of it in a way that we weren't necessarily before as far as meeting and and doing structured work and projects. And so you know. I think I think it's bound to to shift and change and have some iterative change as well in there. 51 00:13:28.120 --> 00:13:29.580 Jenny McElroy: Thanks for that question. 52 00:13:32.460 --> 00:13:38.989 Jenny McElroy: Our next slide here is just a little bit of overview, so you can see some of what I was talking about before, as far as 53 00:13:39.050 --> 00:13:53.120 Jenny McElroy: sort of a historical dip in or a historical decline in membership revenue in total revenue and in an increase in expenses which isn't you know unheard of. 54 00:13:53.130 --> 00:14:04.290 Jenny McElroy: You can see that, there! The start of the expense dip was in 2,018 and things were starting to correct a little bit at that point. 55 00:14:04.300 --> 00:14:18.710 Jenny McElroy: This is very much the historic view to show you sort of where we were when that decision was made, that we really needed to figure out a different, more sustainable solution. This was the this was the the financial situation we were in. 56 00:14:19.840 --> 00:14:25.080 Jenny McElroy: This is more the financial situation in the last few years. 57 00:14:25.100 --> 00:14:40.420 Jenny McElroy: as you can see from this chart and this small graph. our our situation is significantly better. we're moving in in much better directions. You know things. Things have stabilized significantly. 58 00:14:40.820 --> 00:14:41.780 Jenny McElroy: and 59 00:14:41.870 --> 00:14:44.920 Jenny McElroy: our our expenses have gone down 60 00:14:49.260 --> 00:14:55.520 Jenny McElroy: this one, too. This is maybe a more clear slide to show you. Our recent year's overall financial performance. 61 00:14:55.600 --> 00:15:10.990 Jenny McElroy: in fy 1920 and 21. We were in the red. We were in negative numbers, and we were pulling money from our endowment and down an interest to cover our expenses, to continue to pay for the organization. 62 00:15:11.000 --> 00:15:25.500 Jenny McElroy: fy 22 we had originally budgeted just about a 57, $5,800 net in the black. It looks like it's gonna be just over $30,000, based on a variety of factors. 63 00:15:25.530 --> 00:15:28.090 Jenny McElroy: and we've budgeted a a lower 64 00:15:28.120 --> 00:15:31.850 Jenny McElroy: net to the good next year. 65 00:15:33.020 --> 00:15:36.669 Jenny McElroy: Looks like there might be questions. Should I pause here? 66 00:15:39.580 --> 00:15:43.200 Ninah Moore: yes, Does the rest of membership 67 00:15:43.810 --> 00:15:46.089 Ninah Moore: parallel. Alas! Numbers. 68 00:15:48.700 --> 00:15:56.069 Jenny McElroy: as far as the decline. My understanding is that the Ala's membership decline has continued. 69 00:15:56.160 --> 00:16:05.660 Jenny McElroy: and our decline has has leveled off, and even has had a slight increase. Bill, Does that sound accurate to you and Nina as well? 70 00:16:07.840 --> 00:16:09.889 Bill Ladewski: Yeah, rus's, membership 71 00:16:10.030 --> 00:16:15.279 Bill Ladewski: membership decline did kind of mirror along with, alas! And they've been in a 72 00:16:15.480 --> 00:16:18.400 Bill Ladewski: multi-year decline as well. However, the last 73 00:16:18.570 --> 00:16:22.569 Bill Ladewski: membership here we did show now a slight growth. 74 00:16:22.810 --> 00:16:27.659 Bill Ladewski: So I think Ala is again going to report a membership decline. But 75 00:16:27.880 --> 00:16:31.609 Bill Ladewski: we've we have a slight growth with your report for last year. 76 00:16:33.470 --> 00:16:36.230 Jenny McElroy: and I think the trend is common across 77 00:16:36.420 --> 00:16:43.269 Jenny McElroy: professional associations. From my understanding, too, there's been. There's been the client in membership of professional associations for 78 00:16:43.750 --> 00:16:47.929 Jenny McElroy: a very long time. Is my understanding. So 79 00:16:48.540 --> 00:16:49.340 yeah. 80 00:16:50.280 --> 00:16:52.659 Jenny McElroy: other questions from right now. 81 00:16:54.290 --> 00:17:07.800 Janet O'Keefe: yes, I'm actually typing the answer to one which is what revenue sources do we have before? Besides membership dues which we are going to get to. So someone's at someone's thinking ahead. 82 00:17:08.180 --> 00:17:11.169 Janet O'Keefe: And are we going to pay back the endowment? 83 00:17:13.800 --> 00:17:23.880 Jenny McElroy: So I think part of our goal has been not to take anything else from the endowment, and, if possible, to put some back. I don't know how much of that is in the budget 84 00:17:24.200 --> 00:17:27.510 Jenny McElroy: for this year, or whether that's a longer term. 85 00:17:27.609 --> 00:17:29.400 Jenny McElroy: plan. 86 00:17:29.470 --> 00:17:30.909 Jenny McElroy: Phil, do you have a 87 00:17:32.690 --> 00:17:34.490 Jenny McElroy: recollection? 88 00:17:34.770 --> 00:17:38.690 Bill Ladewski: Yeah, the the way the endowment works is, we're able to bring out 89 00:17:38.710 --> 00:17:45.160 Bill Ladewski: the annual earned interest from the environment. Bring it to operating. So we don't touch the principle 90 00:17:45.470 --> 00:17:55.769 Bill Ladewski: and over the decline You've mentioned Jenny on an email basis for so was using the annual interest, and it's operating 91 00:17:56.140 --> 00:18:06.430 Bill Ladewski: The last 2 years we have not had to do that so the interest has been able to stay in the endowment as far as investing back into the endowment. That's a kind of a long term 92 00:18:06.550 --> 00:18:07.530 Bill Ladewski: it 93 00:18:08.120 --> 00:18:10.559 Bill Ladewski: planning and and thought process that 94 00:18:10.820 --> 00:18:21.470 Bill Ladewski: B and F. Will go through. There's no plan. It's not in the current budget, but it's something i'm sure we'll be talked about this we, as Rosa gets a little more stability financially. 95 00:18:22.320 --> 00:18:33.929 Jenny McElroy: Yeah, and that's I think I I misspoke. When I said that that was in the current plan. What I meant was that we're not taking the money. and it's reinvested essentially. So the interest goes back into the fund. 96 00:18:35.710 --> 00:18:46.879 Jenny McElroy: so there's nothing to pay back, so to speak, since we weren't diving into the principle on the on it. But we do want the endowment to continue to grow, if possible. So that's a positive thing. 97 00:18:49.010 --> 00:18:51.500 Jenny McElroy: we'll talk about expenses. Then we'll talk about 98 00:18:51.520 --> 00:18:55.380 Jenny McElroy: revenue is a little bit. I think if I have my slide order right in my brain. 99 00:18:55.530 --> 00:19:12.389 Jenny McElroy: we've had like, I said, a significant reduction in annual expenses. it's been several years Russia has really in that time paired down to really the true essentials. Much of those savings are in the area of staffing. 100 00:19:12.400 --> 00:19:24.480 Jenny McElroy: as it says here, the offices at 2.3 fte right now. in the budget. but we only have actually 1.8 F. T. Working in the office. 101 00:19:24.490 --> 00:19:44.309 Jenny McElroy: so the budget is for staffing more, and the conversation in the committee has been how to get more staffing, how to get more support staff, equal support for membership staff, equal support for programs and projects, and all of the things that we want to do to support each other. 102 00:19:44.320 --> 00:19:59.960 Jenny McElroy: So that's really important to us. Also, as I mentioned, the the Roost Queue Journal has been on hiatus. It's return costs are capped at 8,500. This is down from about $30,000, so it's a significant savings in that expense. 103 00:20:02.200 --> 00:20:06.429 Jenny McElroy: a little bit about how your membership 104 00:20:06.720 --> 00:20:12.590 Jenny McElroy: money breaks down, and in kind of a way of thinking about it, anyway. 105 00:20:13.170 --> 00:20:20.889 Jenny McElroy: it's mostly for member services and and then operations Take another chunk of funds. 106 00:20:20.970 --> 00:20:31.239 Jenny McElroy: then awards sort of in the way that, or it's kind of pay for themselves. But they kind of don't, because there's a lot of work that goes into awards 107 00:20:31.570 --> 00:20:46.629 Jenny McElroy: educational services. So supporting, you know, conference supporting the website and marketing, supporting, continuing education. and then that small 4 at the end is the production cost of the journal. 108 00:20:48.110 --> 00:20:58.999 Jenny McElroy: So it's a pretty you know. Nothing is a tremendously huge amount. Nobody is. Nothing is like 50 of of how we're spending our money. it's very divided. 109 00:21:01.100 --> 00:21:10.750 Jenny McElroy: and then our our revenue membership and continuing education, which we sometimes call Ce as one of our many acronyms that we have 110 00:21:11.860 --> 00:21:18.320 Jenny McElroy: abbreviations. I'm: sorry continuing education comprise 84% of our total revenue. 111 00:21:20.230 --> 00:21:29.349 Jenny McElroy: And this was the second year last year, as the second year, we didn't have to pull any interest from our endowment to close the deficit. The endowment was allowed to grow 112 00:21:29.470 --> 00:21:31.549 Jenny McElroy: always a good thing. 113 00:21:31.650 --> 00:21:57.410 Jenny McElroy: revenues were a bit lower than what we budgeted for the year. That's really because when the budget for fy, you know, we're planning for fy 24 right now in fy 22, you know, when we budgeted for fy 22 it was, you know, an f like 19 and 20 and so many things were different. reports were slow. We had different financials. reporting systems and staff. 114 00:21:57.420 --> 00:22:01.350 Jenny McElroy: There was Covid. I think we can never underestimate that. 115 00:22:01.360 --> 00:22:17.659 Jenny McElroy: I think. we now have a more realistic understanding of our membership numbers, and we're budgeting, and you know we were just kind of shot in the dark, budgeting numbers for some things. And now we have a much more realistic understanding of what that's going to look like, at least going forward in the next year. 116 00:22:18.180 --> 00:22:23.349 Jenny McElroy: we've had multiple years of growth in continuing education, which is really great. 117 00:22:23.560 --> 00:22:34.119 Jenny McElroy: and that decline in membership has slowed or stopped, and we have that slight increase in membership. So that's sort of the main portions of our revenue at the moment. 118 00:22:35.670 --> 00:22:39.539 Jenny McElroy: and so budget overview for the year. That just ended. 119 00:22:39.720 --> 00:22:55.689 Jenny McElroy: this is what this net was projected to be the reality significantly higher. Some of that was an expense reduction. We had a 20% expense reduction and a 20% growth in continuing education. 120 00:22:55.860 --> 00:23:06.280 Jenny McElroy: we can't plan on those kinds of things. It would be nice if continuing education would keep growing. But, like I said, expense reduction is is going to probably go in the other direction. 121 00:23:06.590 --> 00:23:15.589 Jenny McElroy: as it should, because we're we're very much to the to the bare minimum and the bare essentials, and it would be nice to not have that be where we are on some of our budgeting 122 00:23:16.650 --> 00:23:33.400 Jenny McElroy: the projected budget for this next year. net isn't quite as high, but it is over $20,000. and the highlights. This budget includes the virtual forum. It includes plans to hire an additional half time. Staffer. 123 00:23:33.500 --> 00:23:45.369 Jenny McElroy: it. What we're looking at right now is maybe an 11% growth from last Year's budget to this year's budget. So not not the same. 20% growth. But 124 00:23:45.470 --> 00:23:47.829 Jenny McElroy: there is growth planned. 125 00:23:47.860 --> 00:23:51.500 Jenny McElroy: and then, you know, grows planned in membership something modest 126 00:23:52.540 --> 00:23:57.210 Jenny McElroy: which matches up with, our association goals. 127 00:23:57.330 --> 00:24:09.430 Jenny McElroy: this is a slide from Ala. These are their 2 big goals, increasing revenue and increasing membership and sort of the ways that they're thinking about that. 128 00:24:10.180 --> 00:24:15.499 Jenny McElroy: we are, we have aligned unit goals as part of our pivot strategy. 129 00:24:15.510 --> 00:24:37.739 Jenny McElroy: So we want to increase membership 1% per year with some of the things that are mentioned on there. like you, said the membership recruitment and retention, task force issue to report this fall. So I think there's more to come on membership recruitment, retention, things like student membership campaign drives and that kind of stuff. 130 00:24:37.990 --> 00:24:44.730 Jenny McElroy: Our second goal is to increase our continuing education revenue year over year by 2 131 00:24:44.880 --> 00:25:02.909 Jenny McElroy: and the virtual form is currently included in that continuing education, category and budget, as well as other programs. But likely the virtual forum will be sort of eventually pulled out of that budget line and made its own. but as it is, it it increases that 132 00:25:03.190 --> 00:25:04.470 Jenny McElroy: significantly. 133 00:25:06.400 --> 00:25:14.809 Jenny McElroy: so what do we need in the future? we need new, reliable revenue streams to complement membership and continuing education. 134 00:25:14.920 --> 00:25:29.979 Jenny McElroy: And we need to keep looking at how we use our resources and how they match with the goals of our pivot strategy, and also with, alas! new goals and new pivot strategies as well. 135 00:25:30.380 --> 00:25:38.990 Jenny McElroy: with that in mind our projects through June of 2,023. So for this committee's tenure 136 00:25:39.030 --> 00:25:56.469 Jenny McElroy: communication, and this Town Hall is an example of that we're gonna post it. We're also we have a a one page handout to share with people as well, and that'll be posted. We want people to know what's going on with the with the budget and the finance, and and how the organization is doing financial health wise. 137 00:25:56.710 --> 00:25:59.829 Jenny McElroy: we're talking about revenue generation 138 00:26:00.090 --> 00:26:14.210 Jenny McElroy: things like fundraising things like sponsors and vendors. Some of you may have been asked questions by your reps. If you are on boards of the sections, you know. What are our sponsors? What are our vendors. What relationships do we have? 139 00:26:14.220 --> 00:26:29.090 Jenny McElroy: and in those categories we want to build new opportunities, and we want to support people who are having really good relationships. If you have great relationships with your sponsors and vendors, how do we keep those relationships? Good? How do we keep them healthy? 140 00:26:29.290 --> 00:26:38.059 Jenny McElroy: So that you know. I mean it sounds a little mercenary, but so that they keep giving us money for stuff. and our our project is staffing the Russia office up 141 00:26:38.610 --> 00:27:01.070 Jenny McElroy: and then, while we are thinking about those things within Rsa, the larger Ala level changes that are going on. there's something called an operational agreement with the sections that has to do with how the things are funded that is changing the operational agreement. is shifting, and so that's a conversation and and a series of conversations that we're involved in 142 00:27:01.090 --> 00:27:06.959 Jenny McElroy: the Ala Level pivot strategy which has its own, its own 143 00:27:07.050 --> 00:27:10.390 Jenny McElroy: set of of plans and goals. 144 00:27:10.570 --> 00:27:29.240 Jenny McElroy: And then the other thing is the membership model and fee structure, something that we started talking about on budget and finance, and we put a little bit on hold, because Ala is addressing it, and it sounds like changes, maybe in fy 25 for some things related to membership models and fees 145 00:27:29.250 --> 00:27:43.889 Jenny McElroy: things like bundling things together, or having things that you know discounts or or package deals, or that kind of thing. are being thought about on the higher level first, and then we'll sort of see how those impact us 146 00:27:45.250 --> 00:27:55.179 Jenny McElroy: overall takeaways. Bruce is much more financially healthy than it has been in a very long time, and we're really moving in a financially good direction. 147 00:27:55.200 --> 00:27:59.379 Jenny McElroy: the current committee has done a lot of of work, and 148 00:27:59.390 --> 00:28:16.879 Jenny McElroy: Bill and Nina in the office have done a tremendous amount of work to get us to where we are. there's been so much good planning and thinking and creative ideas, and I know that there's more to come. So i'm really excited to to be part of this group. 149 00:28:16.890 --> 00:28:24.320 Jenny McElroy: and to to try to keep us on this good path and get us, you know. You know. Smooth sailing is what I would like us to get to. 150 00:28:24.370 --> 00:28:39.839 Jenny McElroy: So with that that's my presentation. We have a few minutes left for questions, so please feel free. We have a couple of questions. submitted. One is is member services the same as Ala overhead. 151 00:28:40.900 --> 00:28:52.220 Jenny McElroy: Kind of yes, yeah, when we when we think about it. but we're talking about it as as like Rusa member services. So a little bit more direct, I would say 152 00:28:55.580 --> 00:28:59.590 Janet O'Keefe: And also how is the new operating agreement going to affect Rosa. 153 00:29:00.680 --> 00:29:02.380 Janet O'Keefe: which you touch on a little 154 00:29:02.810 --> 00:29:06.500 Jenny McElroy: a little bit? I don't know that we 155 00:29:06.830 --> 00:29:13.329 Jenny McElroy: fully know because we haven't seen the new operating agreement in its entirety. 156 00:29:13.510 --> 00:29:19.439 Jenny McElroy: Bill, do you want to dive in on that one a little bit. I know you've been in more conversations recently. 157 00:29:21.250 --> 00:29:25.190 Bill Ladewski: Yeah, I guess maybe the best way we can answer that right now is, we really 158 00:29:25.360 --> 00:29:30.669 Bill Ladewski: don't know there there was a association wide 159 00:29:30.970 --> 00:29:34.999 Bill Ladewski: group put together to discuss the operating agreement. 160 00:29:35.100 --> 00:29:40.220 Bill Ladewski: and we will be meeting for the first time this month, I think, in another week or so. 161 00:29:40.250 --> 00:29:42.229 Bill Ladewski: so 162 00:29:42.430 --> 00:29:44.920 Bill Ladewski: kind of what's been shared up to this point 163 00:29:45.090 --> 00:29:46.270 Bill Ladewski: it's been. 164 00:29:47.430 --> 00:29:50.870 Bill Ladewski: you know, not very specific and more vague. 165 00:29:51.000 --> 00:29:53.970 Bill Ladewski: with kind of just saying the operating agreement will change. 166 00:29:54.030 --> 00:29:57.049 Bill Ladewski: It might go away entirely, but at this point it's. 167 00:29:57.150 --> 00:30:04.450 Bill Ladewski: you know. Unfortunately, I wish I could give you a more specific answer. We probably just don't know right now. We hopefully will in that 168 00:30:04.480 --> 00:30:09.950 Bill Ladewski: in the coming months, and once we do learn more. We'll certainly share that. 169 00:30:10.400 --> 00:30:11.050 Yeah. 170 00:30:12.360 --> 00:30:17.739 Janet O'Keefe: Okay. Next, should the our Usq relaunch be listed as a project for this coming year. 171 00:30:18.500 --> 00:30:28.570 Jenny McElroy: so not for budget and finance. the ruse queue relaunch is is now in the hands of of other people within Russia. 172 00:30:29.340 --> 00:30:59.329 Jenny McElroy: We had our suggestion that it continue. We had our suggestions on ways to make it continue financially in a more sustainable way, and submitted that and then that was taken out by a task force. And now now it's up to I'm. I'm not 100% sure to be honest. Who is the the go-to person on that. But it's not a project on on our plate unless and until it becomes a a financial project again. they're budgeted for they're budgeted within their cap, and as long as 173 00:30:59.340 --> 00:31:08.189 Jenny McElroy: as everything goes smoothly with the relaunch which I really do hope that it does. then it's not a project for us. 174 00:31:08.630 --> 00:31:11.330 Jenny McElroy: but it is a recent project. Totally right. Yes. 175 00:31:17.430 --> 00:31:24.589 Janet O'Keefe: Okay. I think i'm unfrozen now. is the halftime position shared with another division. 176 00:31:27.240 --> 00:31:31.089 Jenny McElroy: the half time that we're hoping to hire. Yes. 177 00:31:33.660 --> 00:31:37.619 Jenny McElroy: I I I think that was maybe part of the plan. 178 00:31:37.640 --> 00:31:40.420 Jenny McElroy: Bill, will you jump in on this one a little bit? 179 00:31:41.210 --> 00:31:43.180 Bill Ladewski: Yeah. Our 180 00:31:43.360 --> 00:31:46.239 Bill Ladewski: our partner in that will likely be 181 00:31:46.660 --> 00:31:50.750 Bill Ladewski: not a division, but an Aa office. Odlos. 182 00:31:51.060 --> 00:31:53.010 Bill Ladewski: that's who we were with 183 00:31:53.580 --> 00:32:03.430 Bill Ladewski: Prior. with this, with the stamp position that we that left. So it's likely we will be partnering with on that position. 184 00:32:09.270 --> 00:32:13.390 Janet O'Keefe: Well, that's all that are in the Chat and Q. A. So any more. 185 00:32:18.210 --> 00:32:36.059 Jenny McElroy: Oh, why we we just a second to see if anybody else pops in with the question. I really want to say thank you to everybody who joined us today. and anybody who might be watching this in the future. Thanks for your interest. Thanks, for you know, being good members 186 00:32:36.070 --> 00:32:43.240 Jenny McElroy: of the of the organization and caring about the budget and finance. I know budget and finance definitely has a reputation of being 187 00:32:43.280 --> 00:33:03.070 Jenny McElroy: somewhat boring but I feel like now that I've been in it. I have a I have a deep love for it, and and also for the fact that it's really enabling a lot of good work in other areas of the institution. So thank you. Thank you, everybody for joining us and thank you. Jennifer, for your last comment. Here. we'll pass that along as well. 188 00:33:03.770 --> 00:33:07.180 Jenny McElroy: I appreciate it. everybody have a a good day. 189 00:33:07.200 --> 00:33:08.260 Jenny McElroy: Thanks much. 190 00:33:08.390 --> 00:33:09.040 Jenny McElroy: bye.