Catharine J. Reynolds



The James Bennett Childs Award is the highest award the GODORT can give to one of its members. It is a tribute to a librarian for distinguished contribution to the world of documents librarianship. It is based on stature, service, and significant contributions to documents. It is intended for individuals who have made national and international impact upon our profession. The recipient this year is Catharine Reynolds.

Catharine has been a documents librarian for over thirty years. During that time she has helped lead the way in several important developments. As one of the original members of the Depository Library Council she played a major role in the development of the guidelines for depository Libraries. She has been in the forefront of the microforms revolution in documents, participating in a pilot project of the GPO Micropublishing Program, field testing the Publications Reference File, and contributing many articles to the various reviews of government documents in Microforms Review. She compiled a column on U.S. Publications in The Booklist from 1967 to 1972. She has contributed articles to DttP, RQ, and many other journals ranging from studies of suggested systems for regionals to set up a discard program for their selectives, to advice to the new librarian on how to get started in ALA. She was the recipient of a fellow ship from the Council on Library Resources in 1976 to do a study on planning space for the documents collection in research libraries. I could go on and on, but I think I've said enough to show that Catharine really deserves this award.

The inscription on this beautiful plaque reads: "To Catharine J. Reynolds in grateful recognition of a lifetime of exceptional contributions to the growth and development of government documents librarianship, the Government Documents Round Table of the ÂÜÀòÍøÊÓƵ presents the fourth James Bennett Childs Award for distinguished contribution to documents librarianship."

Remarks of Candace D. Morgan Upon Presenting the James Bennett Childs Award to Catharine J. Reynolds

DttP v. 7, no. 5, p. 128

Awards Won

Title Year
image of James Bennett Childs James Bennett Childs Award


The James Bennett Childs award honors an individual who has made a lifetime and significant contribution to the field of documents librarianship. Contributes may be based on stature, service, and publications in any or all areas of documents librarianship.

1979 - Winner(s)