School Library Media Research (SLMR) Volume 4


Preschool Education through Public Libraries

Steven Herb and Sarah Willoughby-Herb

Board Approved: December 2000

The Implications of Selected School Reform Approaches for School Library Media Services

Gary N. Hartzell

Board Approved: December 2000

Locating Categories and Sources of Information: How Skilled Are New Zealand Children?

Gavin Brown

Board Approved: January 2001

A Case Study of One District’s Implementation of Information Power

Kathy Latrobe and Anne Masters

Board Approved: April 2001

School Library Media Specialists’ Perceptions of Practice and Importance of Roles Described in Information Power

Anne McCracken

Board Approved: April 2001

Propelling Young Women into the Cyber Age: Gender Considerations in the Evaluation of Web-Based Information

Denise E. Agosto

Board Approved: May 2001

Best of ERIC Article

Developing a Collaborative Culture

Ruth Small, Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University