Core @ ƵAnnual 2025

ƵAnnual 2025 Conference and Exhibition, Philadelphia, June 26-30.

Core is seeking proposals for Annual 2025 programming!


Proposals are due by September 23, 2024, and you don’t need to be a Core member to submit one.

When completing the form, be sure to select "Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures" to have your proposal reviewed by Core.


Core welcomes topics of interest to a wide range of library professionals in many different areas, including…

1. Access and Equity

  • Advocacy in areas such as copyright, equity of access, open access, net neutrality, and privacy
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion, both within the division and the profession, as related to Core’s subject areas

2. Buildings & Operations

  • Changing trends in organizational structures, services, staff operations, and facilities
  • Best practices for inclusive practices and design
  • Security in Libraries

3. Leadership and Management

  • Developing leaders at every level
  • Best practices for inclusion by using an equity lens to examine leadership structures
  • Leadership for talent management and human resources
  • Assessment tools, methods, guidelines, standards, and policies and procedures

4. Metadata and Collections

  • Best practices and knowledge in work areas that support collections and discovery
  • Best practices for equity, diversity, and inclusion in the development and description of collections
  • Standards and best practices for selection, acquisition, description, access, and preservation of information resources
  • Preservation of both print, media, and digital resources

5. Preservation

  • Preservation Week
  • Digital Preservation
  • Library Binding

6. Technology

  • Best practices for inclusive practices and design
  • Emerging technologies and actionable plans for library services
  • Bridging the technology related needs across all types of libraries and operational areas


Proposals will be reviewed by the Core Program Committee, and final decisions will be announced by early December 2024.

We seek and encourage submissions from underrepresented groups such as women, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities.

If you have any questions about submitting a proposal for Core, please contact Tom Ferren, Core Deputy Executive Director for Learning and Events, at