Books for Babies Kit Contents


Books for Babies kits containing appropriate materials for parents and baby are available from United for Libraries. Each packet includes the following items, assembled in a white plastic bag:

  • Babies Love Books guide for grown-ups, a delightful full-color, multicultural booklet about how you can read to your children anytime, anyplace.
  • Books for Babies full-color brochure with reading tips.
  • Babies Need Words Every Day full color brochure with a list of suggested age-appropriate book titles.
  • Baby's First Book, an attractive board book selected specifically for babies. Title may vary and is subject to change.
  • A bookmark with tips on reading to babies.
  • Baby's First Library Card to be taken to your library to exchange for the real thing.

Local groups and libraries may include additional items to personalize the kits for their own communities, and may place a label on the outside of the bag. The Spanish kit includes most materials translated into Spanish.

Assembled Full Kits

Full kits are available in limited supply. Please call (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161 to place an order.

  • English Kits (order in multiples of 25): $8 each
  • Spanish Kits (order in multiples of 25): $8 each

Printed Brochures & Rack Cards (packs of 100)

Digital Files